your god is violence, your god is unholy profile picture

your god is violence, your god is unholy

I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

hey whatsup? my name is anthony katsonis. i am 19 years old, and i am in the us army. i am a combat engineer, wich basically means that i am infantry that blows shit up. i was born and raised in a hicktown called placerville, california. i enjoy riding my dirtbikes, wheeling my truck, shooting my guns, and making money most of all. girls arent to bad neither. i am just looking forward to coming home and spending time with my family and my girlfriend amy..................The sun beat like a hammer, not a cloud was in the sky.The mid-day air ran thick with dust, my throat was parched and dry.With microphone clutched tight in hand and cameraman in tow,I ducked beneath a fallen roof, surprised to hear "stay low."My eyes blinked several times before in shadow I could see,the figure stretched across the rubble, steps away from me.He wore a cloak of burlap strips, all shades of grey and brown,that hung in tatters till he seemed to melt into the ground.He never turned his head or took his eye from off the scope,but pointed through the broken wall and down the rocky slope."About eight hundred yards," he said, his whispered words concise,"beneath the baggy jacket he is wearing a device."A chill ran up my spine despite the swelter of the heat,"You think he's gonna set it off along the crowded street?"The sniper gave a weary sigh and said "I wouldn't doubt it,""unless there's something this old gun and I can do about it."A thunderclap, a tongue of flame, the still abruptly shattered;while citizens that walked the street were just as quickly scattered.Till only one remained, a body crumpled on the ground,The threat to oh so many ended by a single round.And yet the sniper had no cheer, no hint of any gloat,instead he pulled a logbook out and quietly he wrote."Hey, I could put you on TV, that shot was quite a story!"But he surprised me once again -- "I got no wish for glory.""Are you for real?" I asked in awe, "You don't want fame or credit?"He looked at me with saddened eyes and said "you just don't get it.""You see that shot-up length of wall, the one without a door?before a mortar hit, it used to be a grocery store.""But don't go thinking that to bomb a store is all that cruel,the rubble just across the street -- it used to be a school.The little kids played soccer in the field out by the road,"His head hung low, "They never thought a car would just explode.""As bad as all this is though, it could be a whole lot worse,"He swallowed hard, the words came from his mouth just like a curse."Today the fight's on foreign land, on streets that aren't my own,""I'm here today 'cause if I fail, the next fight's back at home.""And I won't let my Safeway burn, my neighbors dead inside,don't wanna get a call from school that says my daughter died;I pray that not a one of them will know the things I see,nor have the work of terrorists etched in their memory.""So you can keep your trophies and your fleeting bit of fame,I don't care if I make the news, or if they speak my name."He glanced toward the camera and his brow began to knot,"If you're looking for a story, why not give this one a shot.""Just tell the truth of what you see, without the slant or spin;that most of us are OK and we're coming home again.And why not tell our folks back home about the good we've done,how when they see Americans, the kids come at a run."You tell 'em what it means to folks here just to speak their mind,without the fear that tyranny is just a step behind;Describe the desert miles they walk in their first chance to vote,or ask a soldier if he's proud, I'm sure you'll get a quote."He turned and slid the rifle in a drag bag thickly padded,then looked again with eyes of steel as quietly he added;"And maybe just remind the few, if ill of us they speak,that we are all that stands between the monsters and the weak."Michael Marks

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My Interests

shootin' shit, blowin' shit up, mudboggin', makin' money, ridin' dirtbikes, and last but not least FUCKIN'!

I'd like to meet:

other hillbillys who like to blow shit up, osama bin laden, any other mother fucker who wants to destroy my country and my way of life.


anything that makes my blood boil and makes me just want to put my fist through someones face! hatebreed,slayer,lamb of god, pantera,megadeth,metallica,all shall perish,kryterium... i like country a lot too. hank williams sr.,jr.,III. merle haggard,david allen coe,garth brooks,brad paisly, toby keith, randy travis...


forest gump, full metal jacket, tigerland, saving private ryan, windtalkers, when trumets fade, hamburger hill, ork cho hill, jarhead, the thin red line, black hawk down...


anything military, discovery channel, porn.


anything about investing. ALCOHOLICS is plain that a life wich includes deep resentment leads only to futility and unhappiness. to the precise extent that we permit these, do we squander the hours that might have been worth while. but with the alcoholic, whose hope is the maintenance and growth of a spiritual experience, this business of resentment is infinately grave. we found that it is fatal. for when harboring such feelings we shut ourselves off from the sunlight of the spirit. the insanity returns and we drink again. and with us, to drink is to die.- big book of alcoholics anonymous, pg.66


forest gump. donald trump. ray kroc. bill gates. robert allen, hank williams jr. david allen coe. my mom.
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My Blog

life is so ironic.

life is so ironic. God works in mysterious ways. sometimes i feel psychotic. i sit in anx as i count the days. you hurt yourself. and i feel the pain. i put you on a shelf. but i feel the same. love k...
Posted by your god is violence, your god is unholy on Sat, 12 Apr 2008 03:49:00 PST


why am i here? what are we fighting for? does anybody give a fuck about this war? does anybody give a fuck about the soldiers? why did i sign that contract? why am i a million miles from home right no...
Posted by your god is violence, your god is unholy on Thu, 13 Dec 2007 05:49:00 PST

here and now

stuck in time. the future. the past. not knowing if what i feel is right. just knowing it feels so good. wishing i can do things i cannot do. wishing i can be where i cannot be. feeling her pain....
Posted by your god is violence, your god is unholy on Thu, 08 Nov 2007 02:05:00 PST


ADDRESS IS:Pvt. Katsonis, AnthonyCOB Speicher232nd En. CO/94th En. BNAPO-AE 09393 write me asap. it takes 4-7 days for letters. and 7-14 days for boxes. (with PRIOITY mail)....
Posted by your god is violence, your god is unholy on Tue, 23 Oct 2007 12:18:00 PST

Leaving Oct. 10th

 I am leaving for kuwait on october tenth. we finally got a date. i cant fucking wait. so im coming home on labor day weekend. may be the last time i come home... so if you like me and you w...
Posted by your god is violence, your god is unholy on Sun, 05 Aug 2007 02:44:00 PST