I have a new interest for anything Asian, I love to sleep a lot, I am a sucker for all and any type of ice cream, I like to be active doing something, I love shopping- especially sale shopping, I love reading, I love talking and having fun and hoola hooping, And, i really enjoy history and politics... And most of all I love spending time with my savior.
Carissa Ann.
The Princess Bride, Beauty and the Beast... Pride and Prejudice.
Gilmore Girls, its more than a show, its an obsession
Wild Swans. Redeeming Love (i highly recomend it to the ladies), Revolution in World Missions by K.P. Yohanahan (it'll change your life)
My Mom is definately my Hero, and well even though my sister is younger I often times look up to her... And I can't forget my fiance Brent, he pushes me to be the best I can be and is my biggest fan.