88 MILES AN HOUR!!!! profile picture


Make like a tree, and get outta here.

About Me

According to the "Which Big Lebowski character are you?" quiz:

Why don't you check it out? Or we cut off your Johnson!This is a MySpace page, so I'm not going to put anything important on here. Nothing with links to activist sites that I support or anything like that. If you came here to find something intellectual, you will be very disappointed. You won't learn anything by reading any of this. I am not even going to check the spelling of most of this stuff. That being said; I like a lot of things. I also dislike a lot of things. Everything I like is inarguably awesome. You may think that some of the things that I dislike are also awesome; and you, of course, would be wrong.

This profile was edited with Thomas' Myspace Editor V3.2b

My Interests

I am interested in a lot of things....I like most things that pertain to the ocean. SCUBA diving, boating, watching sea creatures, et cetera. If I can't live near the ocean, I must at least be near mountains, because I like them a lot also..............I like art too. Drawing, painting, looking at unique architecture, going to museums, blah bleh bleh blah blah blah. Not all art is great, some of it sucks pretty bad. Miami is home to many talentless artists whom I must salute for for their ability to fool people into thinking that they are purposely creating bad paintings because it is their "vision". There are also some really good artists around here as well... I know that everyone has an opinion on what good art is, and that is mine. Disagree if you want. I won't cry...........................I collect guitars and play them too. If you have any interesting guitars to show or sell to me, let me know. Gibson Les Pauls are preferred.................My favorite sport to both watch and play is baseball.My favorite teams are Florida and Boston. I hate the Mets and Cubs. If you are a Cubs fan- "HAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHHA. What is the fucking point???"I like to write also. I'll also read when I have time, but that isn't very often. I go to school part time and work full time. I have fun in my dreams. That's where I do most of my flying and stuff.........The people who know me best think I'm ok, I guess. I also have pretty decent grammar if you really want to know the truth. I try to be as considerate as I can of other people.. I don't really hate a whole lot of people. But I don't really like all that many either.. I usually won't go out of my way to make you miserable, but if I happen to do so without trying, I won't feel bad about it if I don't like you.........I get along with pretty much anyone, if I must. I don't have any Asian friends. I would like at least one, so that I can make Asian jokes without looking like a racist. If you are Asian and would like to be my friend, please send me a message............I love visiting New York, but I dislike most New Yorkers I've met. I also love visiting Disney World and staying at Disney Resorts, but fuck Michael Eisner; he is a spineless cocksucker.........There is nothing wrong with Miami that a people transplant couldn't fix. I love the water and weather here. The protests that occur anytime the Cuban community doesn't get its way is also pretty swell. Since I have Cuban friends i can say things like that. Come on you Asians out there.. I am dying to say stereotypical things about Asians without them getting SHORT with me!

I'd like to meet:

Other musicians...Other SCUBA divers..... Intelligent, creative, funny people are also fun to meet. If they are also nice, that is great.. but I won't be too greedy.. I'll take a nice one that has one of the three aforementioned character traits. If someone possesses two of three, then they can be a little mean sometimes. If they have all three, then they can treat me like shit all the time, and I will tolerate it.


My favorite things to listen to are Led Zeppelin, Tori Amos, Radiohead, Alice in Chains, U2, Ozzy, Pink Floyd, Black Label Society,Pantera, and Guns N Roses. No particular order except Led Zeppelin is really first. I also like things like Bjork and such. And most John Williams movie soundtracks, especially those for Star Wars. I like a lot of music, I guess. Mostly classic rock, jazz, and classical. Pop music is tolerable sometimes, but usually becomes white noise as I tune it out and think about naked Asian and/or Latin women. As for rap- it isn't music.. It's a bunch of scumbags saying (not singing) badly written lyrics about things that I, fortunately, cannot relate to. If I liked dancing- I guess it could be usefull, but since I don't dance- it just makes me want to vomit all over myself. I can tolerate some newer rock bands, but can't stand most of them. My favorite guitarists are Jimmy Page, Slash, Zakk Wylde, John McLaughlin, Randy Rhoads, and David Gilmore. I will listen to anything they are involved in and usually like it. Antonio Vivaldi is my favorite composers. I also like Chopin a lot. Some of my favorite jazz musicians are Dizzy Gillespie, Art Tatum, Miles Davis, John Coltrane, Ella Fitzgerald, Louis Armstrong, Billie Holliday, and Charlie Christian. My favorite jazz song is Salt Peanuts by Dizzy Gillespie... My favorite instruments to watch people play are piano, drums, and violin... I can't play any of those. If someone wants to teach me, go ahead. I am very impatient though and will make you VERY ANGRY.


The Big Lebowski, Stand by Me, Big Fish, all the Star Wars movies except for the one with Jar-Jar fucking Binks, Oh Brother Where art thou?, all the Back to the Future movies, Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, forrest Gump, Beetlejuice, The Green Mile, Goonies, American History X, A Clockwork Orange, Tight Young Latinas vol. 1 and 2.


I don't watch television very often. It's good for cheap laughs sometimes, I guess- but mostly it just makes me fall asleep in an uncomfortable position, and I wake up with a sore neck or something, which sucks for me and whoever has to hear me complain about my sore neck.


Catcher in the Rye is my all-time favorite book that I will read over and over and over. I love Oscar Wilde's work. And Edgar Alan Poe. And Kurt Vonnegut. Voltaire has fun things to say sometimes but I've only read "Candide". I also like Michael Crichton's stuff, especially Sphere and Andromeda Strain; they were both very good. The movie they made based on Sphere sucked pretty hard, though. I don't remember who directed it, but they somehow managed to turn a great story with interesting characters into a very insipid piece of cinematic dog shit starring Queen Letifah.... Can't forget about Shel Silverstein here. I have started several books and not finished them because they bored me... when a book starts irritating me, I usually read about 40 pages and then skip to the last paragraph of the last page. Unless it's a Goosebumps book. Those scare me and I NEVER want to know how they end. Especially if a zombie is involved. I hate zombies. I am convinced that the dirty, filthy walking dead are responsible for at least 2/3rds of the world's deadliest diseases. I write a lot of nonsense. If you are reading all of this- shame on you.


Les Paul, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., Jimmy Page, Zakk Wylde, Dr. Emmett Brown, Larry Flynt, Josh Beckett, Steve Bartman.

My Blog

A Tragic Affair with a Happy Ending.

Woooooooo... With Halloween coming, and no plans to write another blog before it gets here- I decided to make this one festive for the occasion with a terrifying orange background and spine-...
Posted by 88 MILES AN HOUR!!!! on Sat, 14 Oct 2006 09:18:00 PST

Scribble Scrabble

It is simply a fact that most people are not particularly good at anything. There are people who have attended universities and/or trade schools, passed all their classes and required exams, found job...
Posted by 88 MILES AN HOUR!!!! on Thu, 18 Aug 2005 11:07:00 PST

NASCAR fans.

Watching really loud cars drive really fast in a really big circle really sucks. Sometimes they crash, yes, but that is only cool when someone sails through the windshield and into the crowd or runs o...
Posted by 88 MILES AN HOUR!!!! on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

Raised by wolves!

I've never really met anyone who was raised by a pack of wolves, but if I were to ever meet a person like that, I am sure I'd have questions for them. The only problem is that while I was trying to th...
Posted by 88 MILES AN HOUR!!!! on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

Warning: Dangerous Street Thug on the Loose.

Ok, I'm writing this as a PSA to warn everyone of the danger that is out there on the streets where you work and play. I was minding my own business, walking home from the market when a man dressed in...
Posted by 88 MILES AN HOUR!!!! on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

I would rather lick a dead hooker's asshole than....

I was thinking about this the other day. There is a place in Orlando called "Fazzoli's".. It's a fast food restaurant that serves cuisine of the Italian variety. Well, it sucks. I have only eaten ther...
Posted by 88 MILES AN HOUR!!!! on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

Being tricked is annoying.

Sometimes Im just not so sure that I should even bother waking up in the morning anymore. I really hate being tricked. A crazy old man once told me, Eat my skin once, shame on you. Eat my skin twice...
Posted by 88 MILES AN HOUR!!!! on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

A plea for Jesse Jackson's assistance.

Ok, this shit has been allowed to go on for far too long. How many classic Motown hits are you going to allow this filthy prick named Michael McDonald to decimate? How could you allow this ridiculous ...
Posted by 88 MILES AN HOUR!!!! on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

I hope that Don Henley outlives me.

Ok, anyone who knows me has probably already inferred that the subject heading for this body of text is a filthy lie. But its not. I really do hope that Don Henley lives to be about 183 years old. Ye...
Posted by 88 MILES AN HOUR!!!! on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

Nickelback sucks. Big time.

I have always hated Nickelback. The first day I heard Chad Kroeger's horrible voice and unimaginative guitar riffs, I said to myself, "damn, this band sucks. They must be from Canada." And I was right...
Posted by 88 MILES AN HOUR!!!! on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST