Insights from the loving, brilliant mind of Tim Leary -"Secrecy is the enemy of sanity and loving trust. If you keep secrets, you are an insane paranoic. Concealment is the seed source of every human conflict. Secrecy is always caused by guilt or fear. Any real true intimate secrets are preserved in the tender codes of love. Privacy is woven with electric threads of contact that cannot be intercepted. Love has nothing to hide.
Secrecy is the original sin. Fig leaf in the Garden of Eden. The basic crime against love. The issue is fundamental. The purpose of life is to receive, process, and transmit energy. Communication fusion is the goal of life. Any star can tell you that. Communication is love.
Secrecy, withholding the signal, hoarding, hiding, covering up the light is motivated by shame and fear, symptoms of the inability to love. Secrecy means that you think love is shameful and bad. Or that your nakedness is ugly. Or that you hide unloving, hostile feelings. Seeds of paranoia and distrust. Those who love have no need to hide their actions."my first desire: TO BE FREE from bondage, from anything that will enslave me.i don't really like being part of a team. i'm more of a solitary, independent type cat.
Which Bettie Page Are You?
You're Lingerie Bettie...look at you, you sexy thang, you're a little dark and maybe a little depressed deep down. maybe you've been caught a few times posing in front of that mirror of yours.
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