About Me
Hello, welcome to the n.w.o a.p.a Division Rep myspace site. We are currently looking for new energetic players to play pool, have fun, meet people. If your interested in playing pool with the largest pool league we are looking for 8-ball & 9-ball teams/players. How would you like a paid trip to Las Vegas? You are wondering whats paid for, well round trip air fare, hotel, and entry fee all paid for! You have different way's to go to VEGAS! You can go as a team, scotch doubles, or singles. If this sounds interesting, send us a message and i will get back to you soon as i can! Hope to hear from you soon, n.w. Ohio's divison rep. Jim Everyone Plays Pool In The APA...
Talk to your friends, neighbors, and co-workers. You'll find that they either play in the APA or know someone who does. It'll surprise you! Clerks, secretaries, janitors, lawyers, construction workers, doctors, waitresses, truck drivers, bank tellers, and even school teachers ... all play pool in the APA Pool League. Over one fourth of APA members are women.The APA is the World's Largest Amateur Pool League with more members than all other amateur leagues combined. Nationally, the APA currently boasts over 250,000 members (and growing). 75% of APA members are beginner to intermediate players, meaning you don't have to be a Pool Pro to play. With the APA's Equalizer® Handicap System everyone has an equal chance of winning. Stay tuned as we make this our best year yet.