Get a scroller at!O Top Dj Marnel é um dos principais nomes da cena de drum & bass no Brasil. Sua carreira começou em meados de 1993 em festas de pequeno porte, onde adquiriu experiência na música eletrônica para que chegasse à ter a sua própria festa; a The Bass, que aliás hoje é conhecida por todo o paÃs. Marnel possui uma história repleta de grandes festas e atitudes que remetem aos velhos tempos dos saudosos clubs Toco e Over Night, lembrando assim o começo da história do drum & bass no paÃs. Com uma técnica indiscutÃvel, um estilo irreverente e dançante adicionado ao seu feeling, principal diferencial; ele consegue comandar a pista de dança e agitar o público com seu carisma, trabalhando sempre com um repertório agradável, porém dançante e envolvente.Dj Marnel levanta a bandeira da produção de música eletrônica, tendo faixas lançadas por diversos selos - nacionais e internacionais, lançou seu primeiro CD mixado em 2005 100% nacional pela gravadora URBR no selo dedicado ao estilo, BATUK records, ajudando assim à divulgar o trabalho dos novos produtores de drum & bass, unindo novos nomes à nomes já consagrados.O top DJ está sempre tocando em grandes eventos ao lado dos maiores nomes da cena eletrônica mundial;Jumpin Jack Frost (Lov.e Festival - 99), Bad Company 2001 e 2002, Marcus Intalex (2001, 2003, 2005), DJ Addiction(2001), Dj Loxy "Renegade Hardware"(2001), "Goldie, Hype, Ed Rush, Bryan Gee & Mc Stamina no Skol Beats 2002", Doc Scott (Lov.e 4 anos-2002), WalKingStik (Liquid Sky), Bryan Gee - The Bass 2003/04/2006, Silver (UK) - The Bass, Dj Hazard - True Playa..z 2004, Mc SP (UK), Mc Cleveland Watkiss (UK), Twisted Individual (UK), Dj Ink (UK), Chris Intaface Kiss 100FM (Uk), Mc Fats(UK), Dj Fabio (UK) 2004, Dj Craze (USA) 2004, Dj Aki (Japão) 2004, Dj Yuki (Japão)2004, Dillinja (UK)2004, Dj Strife (Usa) 2006, Dj Die (Uk) 2007, Dj Marky, Dj Patife, XRS, Dj Mau Mau, Renato Cohen, Ricardo Guedes, Renato Lopes entre muitos da cena nacional.Já tocou em eventos como: Skol Beats, BMF, Parada da Paz, MegAvonts, Goiânia Music Festival, EMF (DF), Love Parade (DF), Tech-Tronik (DF), Porão do Rock (DF), E-Force (Playcenter), São Paulo Fashion Week, Mercado Mundo Mix, Movement Tour Brasil, Aniversarios Lov.e Club, Yamada Tim Festival (Belém-PA)…Passou por clubs como: Lov.e Club, D-Edge, Susi In Transe, SPKZ, U-turn, Broadway, Jive, Toco, Over Night, Arena, Emerald Hill, Cokeluxe, Cabral, B.A.S.E., Club A, Fabrica 5, Glitter, Borracharia Bar, Deputamadre (BH), A Obra (BH), Matriz (BH), Bunker 94 (RJ), Casa da Matriz (RJ), Nuth Lounge (RJ), TAJ (Dourados-MT), African (Belém-Pa)…English _________________________ Its impossible to talk about drumnbass in Brazil without hearing and remembering DJ Marnel, who surely is one of the best in the country. Irreverent and charismatic, Marnel feels completely at ease on stage, and makes the audience go insane with his first class, creative and updated repertoire. With a sharp feeling and a knack for , his main differential as a DJ, Marnel experiments either with long, heavy intermitted mixes, and also slow tunes, with powerful bass line and piano solos. Marnel is responsible for several productions, released nationally and internationally. Hes played with top DJs, like Patife, Marky and Mau Mau, besides Marcus Intalex and Bryan Gee. His dnb project The Bass, was a huge step for the style, and was responsible for pushing the drumnbass scene in Brazil to a whole new level. In 2002, Marnel was nominated Breakthrough DJ by DJ Sound Magazine and by the Culture section of the biggest newspaper in Brazil, Folha Ilustrada. Besides being a DJ and a promoter, Marnel is also a big name in the production of e-music. After having many songs released around the world, he releases now his first mixed CD, by Batuk Records, of Underground Records Brasil. In the album, only Brazilian tracks, thus helping promote the work of the new drumnbass producers in the country, putting them together with big established names. Theres not much else to say about DJ Marnel, except that, if you have the chance, do not miss a single presentation of this DJ who stars among the best of Brazil.
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