Yoga, politics, religion and spirituality, music, travel, fizzy water& cheese, books, and poetry. I enjoy the moment to moment of many things and I am open to suggestions.
people who would like to have a conversation; also people who are willing to sit and observe. mostly it would be nice to meet someone who had something new and interesting to share. spiritual seekers and those who love to laugh.
anything that i can dance to, listen to while cooking, while i breathe and practice asana with, or that creates a reaction. we can to a cd swap :)
sure. silent, back and white, period, ones that explore deep emotion
dexter. greys. brothers and sisters.
thank god for time on the train. spiritual texts, evolution, the universe,LOVE LETTERS, travel books, graphic novels-
people that live with passion and humility, someone who can tell a story or a good joke, pianists- the guy that wrote the theme to The Diving Bell and the Butterfly, yogis, and someone who enjoys making and then sharing a good meal. also, people who cuddle and look you in the eye when they speak truth