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Aim= bakaxxna
Full name: Lumiere Renee Rainyday.
Current height: 5'4
Blood type: Not obtained
Eye color: Blue
Hair description: Pink with purple bangs
Personality: Generally friendly. Secretly very negative.
Location: Osaka, Japan.
Nationality: Unknown
Signature move: Super-mega-glomp-attack-of-insanity
Current occupation: Unknown
History: Unknown
Recent discoveries: Theoretically not from this planet. Evidence/data being gathered.
Wow. I feel like a jerk. I convinced like three people not to leave, tell every one i'm taking a week off so I can catch up with school, and dissapear for a month. Honestly, I feel like I didn't miss much. I only really missed like, three people. YARP. Maybe I'll go on more. Lumi is a busy bee. Bye.