Hello mine friends
My name is Lauren Highley
I am currently 19 years old, and I am pretty normal I guess - in most respects. I mean, I have arms, and legs and basically, a body. I resemble a human is what I'm trying to get at, which in my opinion makes me pretty normal
I have great friends, such as Alex, Becky and Tom and one of those also happens to be the greatest boyfriend.
Alex, I've known her as a best friend for about four years, and we share the same sort of humour. Just don't trust her to keep a secret or by sympathetic to you. She lacks basic human emotions, which suits me fine. Don' get me wrong - she is a great friend, and she TRIES to be a shoulder to cry on - not that I've ever attempted it, but I just don't think it is in her natural makeup. It doesn't matter anyway. She always cheers me up when I am around her. She tends to have this special 'I'm going to cheer you up' kinda aura...probs cos she always seems so happy herself. Only once have I ever seen her a little upset and that was my fault...I almost cried to see it. Anyways, she has buggered off to uni now and left me, and I miss her soooo much! I hate change!!!! Thankfully, we are still remianing friends though, which is super cool!
Becky is probably the one out of my close friends that I have known the longest. She can annoy the hell out of me. I guess that might be because she is the opposite of me. She is loud and opinionated, and she LOVES an arguement...simply put, I don't. Also, she goes through obsessions, and I have to put up with her going on and on about them. All that said though...why am I still her friend if I 'hate' her so much? Well, the truth is? I don't hate her. Not at all. Just like Alex, she has her flaws, but she is still a great person. Unlike Alex, Becky would be there as a shoulder to cry on. She is very loyal to her friends, and I have to say, I love her for it. The amount of times I've treat her like shit and she is still my friend, so I'll say this publically...sorry Becky :) You are a great friend
Tom, is one of the friends I have known the shortest - just going on a year now, and yet I feel I've known him all my life. I don't think I've got on with anyone quite as quickly as I got on with him. He has quickly become such an important part of my life. He comforts me, and listens to me, and I trust him with everything. Actually, I'm suprised he isn't sick of me.....I kinda dump a lot of stuff on to him when really I shouldn't. He is the kind of friend you could only dream of, and I got him as one.
Not only that, but I must be the luckiest girl in the world, since I also got him for a boyfriend! No doubt once I get to know him as long as I have Becky and Alex, I'll be able to tell you his flaws as well...and let the whole world know! Hahaha...watch this space.. WHOOT! Well, hes moved up to be with me now, so having spent over a month with him, I should be able to think of flaws now. Hmmm...He does have some. I know he does, I just can't think. Give me time....
So those are my main friends I guess
but I have others too:
Stef- I've known her for ages, but we never really spoke. We started talking a bit in French a few years back (in French class...not in the language, though I'm sure a little bit of that went on) It is only this year that we've really started to talk more. She makes me laugh at times
Kim - I've known her like I've known Stef, in the las year or so. She is cool though :) and she likes to change her hair, which is interesting to see. Plus, she is fun to watch when she struggles :P
Kris - WHOOT! Been friends wih him for about two or three years. He likes animals, so naturally, I like him. Animals are cute. Who could not like them? and he also makes me smile. He makes me feel bad too, when he talks about 3 day old kittens and non-existant birthday cards
Sonny - An enemy turned friend. He used to bully me in my English class...I hate him at times. Haha, but I know all the bullying is only in jest, so I forgive...at least...I hope it is in jest... He seems to be the only one who hasn't gone to uni this year and who I can still see fairly regular
Matthew - He is my oldest friend. We have known each other since we were about two years old, so we've grown up with each other. He can be quite opinionated too, but I wouldn't have him any other way :)
and lots of others too =D
I guess you could say...I'm very lucky. Of course, there are things I'd love to change about certain aspects of my life, but I'm quite content, so who cares?
Ok, I spoke a lot about my friends, and as of yet, I guess I haven't said much about myself
Plus, Alex says I should write more about myself
But to be honest I don't really know what to write. I could bore you all with the details about me, but even then, you wouldn't really know much about me. Humans are such complex creatures. Hmmm. I decided not to go to uni, though I did get the grades. I just thought it wouldn't benefit me in the long run...plus, my loans were nowhere near sorted out in time. Anyways, my life has took a different path now, and its one no worse. I am a mother to be! Hopefully....provided the pregnancy goes ok. So far so good despite all the sickness I tend to be feeling =( I live with Tom at the moment, up at my grandmas house until we find our own place. My mom and dad didn't kick me out by the way. I just wanted to be with Tom, and there wasn't enough room for both us at home. I still visit home, everything is ok! I am working part time in a shop at the moment, which isn't bad and I get money! WHOOT!.I also have a brother and sister, incase you want to know, both younger. My sister ran off with her boyfriend and lives in Bradford. She is very stubborn about it, but that is ok. My brother is at secondary school, and is a geek just like me!
I am finding this talking about myself difficult...so any questions, just ask :D I normally answer most things. Haha. Unless it involves making a decision - as Tom knows, I'm not very good at that
If you wish to add me on MSN it is
[email protected]
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