--ALL I WANT FOR A GUY-- *****SOMEONE***** WHO would ACCEPT me for who I am. WHO buys me a fl0wers even theres nothing an occasion. WHO give me JOKES everyday juz to make me LAUGH.=) WHO always say SORRY, even f I did wrong. WHO have a creative sense of humor. WHO always understand me. WHO calls me for no reason.=) weeee.. WHO would spend HIS time juz for me. WHO is very ROMANTIC when there is an occasion. WHO will be PROUD of me especially in his family. WHO w0uld move my hair away from my eyes, and then KISS me. WHO h0ld my hand in line at the mall and make all da girlz jeal0us. WHO w0uld sing t0 me at rand0m m0ments. WHO w0uld let me sleep on his chest. WHO acts CUTE when he really wants something. WHO always text me. sending me a SWEET messages.=) WHO w0uld g0t mad at s0me0ne if dey called me UGLY.=p WHO w0uld juz smile and agree wid everything I said. WHO quits his "BISYO" juz for me. WHO knows when to be serious. WHO appreciates me. WHO calls me BEAUTIFUL instead of h0t. WHO w0uld make me SMILE when Im sad. WHO calls me back when i hang up on him. WHO will stay awake just t0 watch me sleep. WHO KISSES my f0rehead. WHO w0uld tell all his friends b0ut me and SMILE when he did it.=) WHO h0ld my hands and never be afraid t0 say "I LOVE YOU" infr0nt of his friends. WHO always give me a peck on the cheek when we depart from each other's company- even when friends are watching. WHO thinks Im just as pretty without make up on. WHO is c0nstantly reminding me of h0w much he cares b0ut me. and h0w he lucky he is t0 have me. but m0stly, I want s0me0ne WHO w0uld be my BESTFRIEND, and WHO w0uld never BREAK MY HEART!!!