Name Wendy
Nicknames Wen, Disha, Wendisha, WC, Cinnamon ChiCk
Birthday March 18th
Age 22
hair/eye color BrowN
Do you drink Socially
Do you drive Do I know how to? Yessir
What kind of computer you have Dell Laptop
Ever stolen something Ma sis´s bubble gum, ALL THE TIME!
Time you went to bed last night 2:30 AM
siblings One sis
pretty My niece
cold 1998 Christmas
hot Our freaKin weather down here in DR
email My hotmail account
sun Beach
rubber Band??
spoke Like 20 mins ago
showered Like 4 hrs ago
ate Last niTe
cried Dont remember, dont want to remember, wont remember...
kissed On da lipX? Like 2 months ago...
laughed A whole freaKin day ago
wrote About 3 hrs ago
had sex Dont remember, dont want to remember, wont remember... LMAO!!
got in a fight I´ve been preTTY good lately, dont remember...
said "i love you" to a boy/girl OMG... I´d say 2 yrs and some change ago...
drank 2 dayzzz ago
been on stage Yeah, lol
gotten in a car accident No!! =)
eaten an entire box of oreos Ehhh, no
been kissed Yessir
who do you cry with IDK
who do you go to the mall with most All of them
whos parents do you know the best Candy´s
whos the loudest La Mega Yela
who knows all your secrets Most of my secrets? Jenny dat biatCh! She figures me out all the time!
who makes you laugh the most La Negra
do you have a bf/gf? Nop
if so, who? ...
have you ever been in love? Not really
if so, with who? ...
have you ever cried over a boy/girl?
have you ever cheated on a bf/gf? Not yet, lol
has a bf/gf ever cheated on you? Aha...
ever had sex with bf/gf outside in the rain? Nop
anywhere besides a bed? Haaaaa!
Would you eat a bowl of live crickets for $40,000? Mierrrrrcole pana... =S
Have you ever gone skinny dipping? Would you ever? No, dont think so
Have you ever thought you were going to die? Not really
If you found out your best friend was gay/lesbian, what would you do? Support him or her
Do you like to dance? I love to dance
What is your favorite color? Orange, black
What guy/girl do you want more than anyone else? My niece
If you could do anything to the person you hated most what would it be? I dont know, never really hated anyone
If you were stranded on a deserted island with one person, who would it be? Brad Pitt, lol
Have you ever felt you were in love? Not reaaaaally!
What's your worst fear? Mice, rats, earthquakes
Last hospital visit? Clinica Union Medica
Why? Went to visit a friend that was hospitalized
Do you like to talk on the phone? Not really, although it always depends on with who Im talkin
Would you rather be overly happy and poor, or overly wealthy and happy? Neither
Would you rather be deaf or blind? Damn! ...I dont know!
Have you ever broken any bones? No, ouch!
Ever made out with someone of the same sex? Nop
Do you make good grades? Haaaaaaaaa, not anymore, lol
Do you do drugs? Nop
Do you smoke? Nop
Are you shy or outgoing? Outgoing
Your funniest memory? Got too many
Are you tall or short?
Do you believe in God? Yessir
Are you a slut? Uhmn, no
ghetto? No
nerd? No
bitch? When I have to
immature or mature?
Are you gonna get married? I hope
To who? Idk... =S
Are you friendly? I think I am
Ever been a cheerleader? No
Ever played any sports? Yeah
What color are your fingernails right now? Clear