Elvira!,Obama, Kat Bjelland,Juliette Lewis, Al jourgensen,kat von d,David Lynch, Dario Argento ( my main inspiration to my photography), Steve Buscemi,animal lovers, Nathan Explosion, stoner rock/metal fans, lynch fans, horror movie fans, photographers. Creative people...people who can bounce ideas off me and me off of them, people who really have something to say
Also,anyone who i can get along wth and not worry about what they say when im not around. If you ever have to hold back telling me things so we can be cool..then we should probably just not talk.
Id say people whose lives dont revolve around football and beer. and i "dude i was so wasted " stories..you're probably lame and you're not worth my time. grow up. If you hate animals..i hate you...dont wanna meet u either.
Big irritations: People who want me to listen to them for 5 hours but only give me 5 seconds of their attention.People who are watching tv/you tube/whatever while i'm talking to them and responding with "uh huh, thats cool, thats cool" when those response make no sense to what I'm saying. I'm a good listener and I expect the same when I need to talk too. I also hate when people who talk and act differently around different people. Be yourself and stop trying to impress anyone or be what your not.
ON ANOTHER NOTE..This time around I am only adding people I know, bands i like i get requests from, and people I genuinely seem interested in talking too...no more just adding everyone.That would defeat the purpose of the new page. So far its just people I know on here..and Im digging it way better so far.