Quem sou eu?
Tenho a mais bela maneira de expressar!
Sou Mangueira, uma poesia singular!
Fui ao Lácio e nos meus versos canto a última flor,
Que espalhou por vários continentes,
Um manancial de amor!
Caravelas ao mar partiram,
Por destino encontraram o Brasil,
Nos trazendo a maior riqueza
A nossa lÃngua portuguesa!
Se misturou com o tupi, “tupinambrasileirouâ€
Mais tarde o canto do negro ecoou,
E assim a lÃngua se modificou.Eu vou nos versos de Camões,
Às folhas secas caÃdas de Mangueira.
É chama eterna, dom da criação,
Que fala ao pulsar do coração!Cantando eu vou,
Do Oiapoque ao Chuà ouvir,
A minha pátria é minha lÃngua!!!
Idolatrada obra-prima te faço imortal!
Salve poetas e compositores,
Salve também os escritores,
Que enriqueceram a tua história.
Ó meu Brasil,
Dos filhos deste solo és mãe gentil,
Hoje a herança portuguesa nos conduz,
À Estação da Luz!Vem no vira da Mangueira vem sambar!
Meu idioma tem o dom de transformar!
Faz do Palácio do Samba uma casa portuguesa,
É uma casa portuguesa, com certeza!
Your Mexican Name Is...
Doña Gabriela
What's Your Mexican Name?
You Are a Mermaid
You are a total daydreamer, and people tend to think you're flakier than you actually are.
While your head is often in the clouds, you'll always come back to earth to help someone in need.
Beyond being a caring person, you are also very intelligent and rational.
You understand the connections of the universe better than almost anyone else.
What Mythological Creature Are You?
Your Sexy Brazilian Name is:
What's Your Sexy Brazilian Name?
In a Past Life...
You Were: A Friendly Astrologer.
Where You Lived: Portugal.
How You Died: Killed in Battle.
Who Were You In a Past Life?
You Are The Sun
You represent the best of life - vitality, success, and and truth.
You tend to have a strong, centered, balanced personality.
Inspiration and discovery are your fortes. You are very mentally strong.
A talented mind, you tend to excel at math, philosophy, and music.
Your fortune:
As well as you have done in the past, the future is going to be filled with more success.
A new creative project is coming your way. Feed it, and it will grow into something huge.
Great riches, recognition, prosperity, or happiness is coming your way.
And it's possible that a fantastic vacation, or a dissertation, is coming sooner than you think.
What Tarot Card Are You?