About Me
This layout is from whateverlife.com!
Do not forget to entertain strangers, for by so doing some people have entertained angels without knowing it.- Hebrews 13:2
I have a huge familia...and i love them more than anything.
My name is Anne
"To die for a religion is easier than to live it absolutely."
I love music
Thick Boston accents drive me nuts and NOT in a good way
I have a great group of friends and i wouldnt trade them for anything
I cant take a picture without puckering my lips and throwing up my hands Idk why...maybe its cus im Italian
I love Tom Brady and Denzel Washington and Dane Cook
I couldn't care less if I ever meet anyone famous
Brazilian food has my ♥
I love my Saturn...naht
I work at MB and it's kind of my 2nd home.
I drive fast and crazy..Its kind of my drug
I tend to make fun of people just to make others laugh its NOT cool
HATE is a strong word, so I only hate 2 things:
I hate when people cut you off only to go 3mph
and I hate when people judge others
Instant Message me on Aol instant messenger : AnniieFanniie whateverlife.com