About Me
Hi, I'm Eric Magnusson in Minneapolis, a Christian journalist, editor, and business executive in Christian news media.
I'm a happy, creative and adventurous kind of person, passionate yet deeply at peace in Christ. I love all people, it's easy to talk to me. -- I'm an explorer at heart, an explorer of places, knowledge, and God's glory. I was born in Europe and lived in different European countries. Ten years ago, I moved to the U.S. from Sweden. I am very happy in my Christian marriage and my work.
My first career was as a professional journalist in daily newspapers for many years. Then I wanted to earn more, so I became a business executive in the international energy industry for 23 years. But after I had come closer to Jesus Christ and found my deepest joy in Him, I longed for a different life. Surviving cancer in 2003 was a turning point, I had to choose the deepest purpose of my life. I gave up my long career in industry and dedicated my life to Christ full time. I work now in news media again, but this time as a servant of Christ, working together with fellow Christians to proclaim the glory of God in everything. For me, it's not a career, it's my calling, my life's passion.
Life is a journey of adventure
The greatest adventure is knowing God
I see my life and my work for Jesus Christ as an awesome adventure in faith. Look at the invisible, dare the impossible! These are two of my key principles. When we see the invisible things of God with the eyes of faith, we trust the power of God and dare to do great things for His glory. "So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen. For what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal." (2 Cor. 4:18) Jesus Christ said: "Launch out into the deep!" (Luke 5:4)
My work
I am a Christian journalist and executive in Christian news media. My first career for many years was as a professional journalist in daily newspapers. Then I wanted to earn more, so I became a business executive in the international energy industry for over 20 years. But after I had come closer to Jesus Christ and found my deepest joy in Him, I longed for a different life. Surviving cancer six years ago was a turning point. I gave up my career in industry and dedicated my life to Christ full time. I work now in news media again, but this time as a servant of Christ, to help people see the glory of God in everything. For me, it's not a career, it's my calling, my life's passion. It's the best work of my life and I enjoy it enormously.
Facebook profile:
My faith
I'm a nondenominational evangelical Christian and I get along well with people in all Christian denominations - Evangelicals, Pentecostals, mainline Protestants, Catholics, Orthodox, etc.
I love Jesus Christ more than I can say, he's so sweet and intimate to me. I trust God, he's been so good and faithful to me through many difficult times. I survived cancer five years ago. and I see now that it was a blessing in disguise, it sharpened my focus on Christ. I want to be a man of God, but my weaknesses make me aware all the time that I'm a work in progress, that I need God's grace every hour, every day. But God is faithful, He holds me firmly. He picks me up every time I stumble and leads me back to Him whenever I lose my focus on Christ. "If I rise on the wings of the dawn, if I settle on the far side of the sea, even there your hand will guide me, your right hand will hold me fast." (Psalm 139:9-10)
If you confess with your mouth, "Jesus is Lord," and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. (The Bible, Romans 10:9)
Explore other languages:
"every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord" (Phil. 2:11)
Spanish que toda lengua confiese que Jesucristo es el Señor. French que toute langue confesse que le Seigneur, c'est Jésus Christ. Italian ogni lingua confessi che Gesù Cristo è il Signore. German jeder Mund bekennt: "Jesus Christus ist der Herr". Swedish alla tungor skall bekänna att Jesus Kristus är Herre.
Danish hver tunge skal bekende, at Jesus Kristus er Herre.
Norwegian hver tunge skal bekjenne at Jesus Kristus er Herre.
Portuguese toda lÃngua confesse que Jesus Cristo é Senhor. Dutch alle tongen bekennen zullen dat Jezus Christus de Heer is Polish aby wszelki jezyk wyznal, ze Jezus Chrystus jest Panem Lithuanian Ir kiekvienos lupos Dievo Tevo ,,lovei i,,pa,,intu: Jezus Kristus yra Vie,,pats. Bulgarian vseki ezik da ispovyada, che Isus Hristos e Gospod.
Russian vsyakiy yazyk ispovedal, chto Gospod Iisus Hristos.
Ukrainian shchob kozhen yazik viznavav: Isus Hristos to Gospod. Croatian da svaki jezik prizna: Isus Krist je Gospodin.
Slovenian vsi jeziki naj spoznajo, da je Gospod Jezus Kristus. Slovak aby ka,,dý jazyk vyznával: "Je,,i,, Kristus je Pán!" Albanian çdo gjuhë të rrëfejë se Jezu Krishti është Zot.
Icelandic sérhver tunga játa Guði föður til dýrðar: Jesús Kristur er Drottinn. Finnish okaisen kielen pitää tunnustaman Isän Jumalan kunniaksi, että Jeesus Kristus on Herra. Romanian orice limbã sã mãrturiseascã, cã Isus Hristos este Domnul. Hungarian És minden nyelv vallja, hogy Jézus Krisztus ùr az Atya Isten dicsôségére. Vietnamese moïi löôõi thaûy ñeà u xöng Jeâsus Christ laø Chuùa
Tagalog (Philippines) Ito ay upang ipahayag ng bawat dila na si Jesucristo ang Panginoon. Ilonggo (Philippines) Kag ang tanan magkilala nga si Jesu-Cristo amo ang Ginoo. Indonesian Mereka semuanya akan mengaku bahwa Yesus Kristuslah Tuhan. Kiswahili na kila ulimi ukiri kwamba Yesu Kristo ni Bwana. Haitian Creole tout moun va rekonèt Jezikri se Seyè a. Maori (New Zealand) A kia whakaae nga arero katoa ko Ihu Karaiti te Ariki. Latin Vulgate omnis lingua confiteatur quia Dominus Iesus Christus.
(Collected by Eric from Bibles in different languages. The Lithuanian translation is from the Lithuanian Bible and was supplied by a friend in Lithuania.)
The Inspirer
You are an ENFP type
You love being around people, and you are deeply committed to your friends.
You are also unconventional, irreverent, and unimpressed by authority and rules.
Incredibly perceptive, you can usually sense if someone has hidden motives.
You use lots of colorful language and expressions. You're quite the storyteller!
You would make an excellent entrepreneur, politician, or journalist.
What's Your Personality Type?