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The Boy With the Wires

About Me

Layout Provided By - Myspace LayoutsAlright, so I don't know. Honestly. As serious as it gets. 22 years later, I can't say i know, except to say I know I don't (know that is). All cleverness aside, I mean this through and through. I am not being coy, not trying to be interesting to you. If I were, I'd like to think I'd come up with something better than "i don't know" but I don't. That is the truth. I know it's only a myspace page, but I am trying here, looking at it as my soap box and I stand before you more or less totaly unsure. Sometimes I feel as though I have an understanding, at least of what I want and who I am and the world as it relates to me. Sometimes I feel so unsure I am convinced I am a sort of sad imposter, designated to fake/flub may way through. To be clear, this is not a deep penetrating sorrow. Its just sort of a fact of life, an accepted wierdness I call my own. The rest/most of the time I just focus on what I do. Which is this. What is playing now. That I am reasonably sure of. I guess I am okay with not knowing exactly where I stand. I can't say I live everyday striving, yearning, to figure out life. No one really does, if they say they do they are lying. And probably not just for show, they probably are trying to hide something. I have good days and bad. I'd like to think I never falter, that I am a mad dog in search of truth. Sometimes I am. but mostly, in the day to day, I am not. but I don't stop. I always keep moving, keep trying, no matter the motivation. Maybe not at full force, but always in the same direction. And maybe that is raging aginst the uncertainty in a way. Maybe that is as close as I get to any sembalence of an answere and certainty. That I know I can't stop. That is what I know. That is what I am sure of. I am not saying that the search for meaning is the meaning or anything fun like that. (maybe it is, again........ I DON"T KNOW) what I am saying is I don't stop. thats what I know for sure... that I won't stop. I can't. I was hardwired. I was built to keep trying. I can't say If this is a good thing, its not my call. thats up to everthing and everything and everything else. I just keep my nose down and my head forward.So for the rest..... I am 22. I started playing guitar at 17 and became very interested in MP & E, and built a modest home studio. at 20 I was briefly played in a band named Visceral which yielded few lasting benefits save the finding of my friend and constant music Collaberator, Sean crowley. Near the tail end of Visceral, his instrests in orchestral or (for lack of a better word) classical music began to blossom and he began to compose via the newly valid (meaning : decent sounding) orchestral synthesis of the past few years. I very intrigued and managed to aquire enough software to begin compsing on my own. This is what you are hearing now. Though I have tried my hand at just about all styles music, for now I have chosen to post only the 4 sections of my first orechestral work. To answere the technical questions, the first 2 sections where done through exstensive (and time consuming) sample editing. However, it is important to point out that though I was splicing organic samples, I used only single note samples. I used no phrases, ryhtems etc. Thus I can call the composition my own. The final 2 sections were done via software based MIDI instruments, sequenced with Reason and Cubase.

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Member Since: 22/08/2006
Type of Label: Major

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