Horse back riding. Feeding lost bunnies in parking areas. Cross-stitching embroidery. Burlesque. Costume Making. Cigarettes & Coffee. Lucha Libre. Art. Bingo. Death Cult. Hula. Hawaii. Horses. Suburbs from 50's and 60's. Love. Tattoos. Museum Shops. Baking.
Alter egos of us and the rest of the world.
Refreshing Mix of Surf, Punk, Garage, Rockabilly.
Chungking Experss & other films by Wong Kai War. Princess Mononoke & Totoro - i'd be happy to live in the world of these films. Stranger than Fiction, The Incredibles, Steve Zissou. Royal Tenenbaums. Jacques Cousteau. Sherlock Holmes again...
Sherlock Holmes, Murder She Wrote, Chief Inspector Morse, Jeeves and Wooster, The Office, League of the Gentlemen.
The Book of Tiki, Trader Vic's TikiParty, 1000 Coctails, New Burlesque, Life A User's Manual, Burlesque and the New Bump & Grind, Mondo Lucha A Go-Go, Lucha Libre - Mashed Superstars of Mexican Culture.
Luchadors, Eskimos, The World Famous Pontani Sisters
Djita Salome & La Bella Angora