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I am here for Dating, Serious Relationships, Friends and Networking

About Me

CONLEYThrough direct lineage, Niall of the Nine Hostages later became king of Ireland. He was so named because of his practice of taking prominent hostages from the lands he conquered. Niall had many sons and was the progenitor of many Irish families one of which was O’Conghalaigh. O’Conghalaigh comes from the Gaelic word conghal which means “fierce as a wolf” and was based in the Connacht province of Northern Ireland which includes the counties of Galway and Leitrim. Variations of the name were later found in the counties Cork, Ulster and Monaghan.Variations of the name included Connelly and Connolly with the Monaghan Connolly’s having been the most prominent. Members of the family are first noted as coming to prominence in the 15th century and are recorded as having “chiefs of the name” up to the 17th century. They were instrumental in organizing the native Irish rebellion of 1641; however, following its failure, they lost much of their power and possessions. English versions of the name now include Conley, Conely, Connelley and Conneely...

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My Interests

Among the many interests that interest me, like shooting firearms, getting drunk, and chilling with my peeps, I also slay minions of the covenant with extreme predjudice. I love laying on the beach and swimming... oh yeah I love me some swimmin... running, running, and some mo' runnin. If you know me and I forgot something... well, fuck you this is my page bitch.
Greed: High
Gluttony: High
Wrath: Very High
Sloth: Medium
Envy: Medium
Lust: Very High
Pride: Medium
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I'd like to meet:

The MOTHERFUCKING ASSHOLE who invented mayonaisse, so I could rip there fucking heart out and spread mayonaisse on it and make them eat it. and an extra-terrrestrial.

Another badass quiz from eSPIN-the-Bottle...

What Are Your Politics?


God, you’re such an ass. (Get it? 'Cause an ass is a donkey, and a donkey is the mascot of the Democratic party? Funny, right? Whatever. Enjoy your free social services.)

Democrats are great, because they're usually sympathetic to all types of people, they're generous, and they're pretty good dancers. Most of the time.

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Bluegrass, Heavy metal, Classic Rock, Reggae, Country. I can't really say a favorite band because that changes a lot. But I've been listening to Led Zeppelin, The Allman Bros., Dick Dale, Pantera, Type O Negative, and Rammstein since I was a kid.


Your Personality Is Like Heroin
You're capable of the highest highs and the lowest lows.
Addicted to feeling good, you'll do almost anything to avoid pain.
People seek you out, even though you can be quite moody. They're hooked on you! What Drug Is Your Personality Like? Alien, Aliens, and Alien3 are my favorite movies of ALL TIME!!! But I like other stuff too...


Favorite author Dean Koontz, so pretty much anything by him, a little Stephen King, a lot of Bradbury and Asimov. I also like non-fiction, like survival guides, biographies and the like.
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Jesse Custer for making God pay. And if you don't know what the fuck I'm talking about, try reading some comic books loser. Also Carl Sagan. Among his many activities as a scientist, he contributed to the discovery that the atmosphere of Venus is prohibitively hot and dense, and found evidence that Saturn's moon Titan contains oceans stocked with the building blocks of life. Sagan was an outspoken proponent of the search for extra-terrestrial life, including sending probes to other planets and listening with large radio telescopes for signals from intelligent aliens. Sagan's outstanding ability to explain allowed almost a billion people to better understand the cosmos in which they live. And Captain/Admiral James Tiberius Kirk.

My Blog

I Never Cry...

If there's a tear on my face It makes me shiver to the bone... shakes me babe It's just a heartache, got caught in my eye And you know.... I'll never cry, I'll never cry Sometimes I drink more than I ...
Posted by Nic on Tue, 06 Nov 2007 03:23:00 PST

FUCK mayonaisse and that cool whip shit...

I FUCKING HATE MAYONAISSE. It is fucking disgusting shit. I don't know how people fucking put it in their disgusting little mouths and swallow it. 
Posted by Nic on Tue, 07 Aug 2007 08:03:00 PST

For Want of a Nail...

For want of a Nail the shoe was lost... For want of a Shoe the steed was lost... For want of a Steed the message was undelivered... For a message undelivered was a war lost.   Don't fuck around w...
Posted by Nic on Thu, 02 Aug 2007 06:19:00 PST

If I send you fucked up shit, it might be a fucking hacker...

yo what's up?! Hey if I send you fucked up shit or something on my page gets posted that strikes you " hey that don't sound like Nic" well it probably ain't. It's probably those fuckin shithead hacker...
Posted by Nic on Wed, 25 Jul 2007 11:24:00 PST