This is a Fan Based Website.
Material is Copywrited by 'Horsebox' and this is not my own work.
Horsebox Have their own myspace aswell click on the 'Horsebox' thumnail on my top friends or go to
The purpose of this to show some songs that horsebox are currently not playing for your myspace needs. This site is a network for Horsebox fans they also have a fan base up in the group 'I Wanna Get All over Horsebox' but this one is more of a song site than a forum.However, I'm sure it will become an aprecation site for Horsebox and all the songs Horsebox have put on thier site.
I will keep 'Hosa' there pernamentally because: A) Its a classic, B) Its my fav =D and should it be deleted as I would like it to be constantly heard on myspace.
'I Dont Remember Last Night' usually stays pernament on Horsebox's myspace so its unlikely to be removed. However, It will be put on here but they have taken it off before if they do remove it I'll put it on here because it seems to be quite a popular one. 'The Stupid Parts of Town' and 'Out of Tune' videos are on the sight so its unlikely they will be up in the songs list, however if there is popular demand for one or both of them you'll see either one of them or both of them up there faster than 'Jonnie' Played at super-speed. Same goes for any song not currently on Horsebox's myspace.