music.. *HaLe* m0vies.. surfing d net.. friends.. *sigh*
pe0pLe wh0 i can reaLLy make c0nnecti0ns..! ^_^
meLLowdrama..alternative..p0p r0ck.. *HaLe* .::c0LdpLay..incubus..Lifeh0use..j0hn mayer!..imag0..rivermaya..m0j0fly::. sort of r&b.. ^_^
.::wiLLy w0nka and the ch0c0Late fact0ry..charLie and the ch0c0Late fact0ry..a walk to remember..cruel sassy girL..50 first date..LegaLLy bL0nde..the fast and the furious::.
.::mtv..myx..csi miami..the OC..0ne tree hiLL::.
.::pugad bab0y..archie..chicken soup for the teenage soul..catcher in the rye::.
jose rizal *who else?!*