"Our own bubble of love that no other soul can pop or dent because our love is so pure and true" it can never be destroyed.
Imagine a world filled with things that only in your dreams came true. A world where everything youve ever desired, everything that you know deep down will make your life perfect, give it that special feeling, that special something that makes it feel like heaven. Imagine that world, then add words that dont even make sense, that fly through your mind racing backwards and forwards trying to explain something that you feel, but the words never equal to the same, always searching for something deeper, more meaningful that makes your heart tingle everytime you say it or hear it. Take all these and add the feeling when you hold someone, that someone being the love of your life, making you so warm, giving you everything, showing you the power and perfection of love for the very first time, the one who took your heart, who has the key. The one that you know you truely want to spend the rest of your life with, wake up to everyday, devote your every second to, whisper i love you forever. The one that shows you love unlike no other in endless amounts, its unbelievable. You make my heart burn with passion, you make my veins pump with love and my mind race over perfection. Your a world i fall into everyday, where i want to live forever, holding your hand everystep of the way. Your my dream come true. Natalie, you are everything to me. I kazuma you with all my heart. I always will.
I also aspire and admire Morrissey, Ian Curtis, Marc Bolan, The Libertines, David Bowie and Iggy Pop.