I like lots of things.............
Lots of things.
Just a few of the things I like:
My bike and the subsequent riding of my bike. My Mac. Coffee. Anything that has been grilled. That first scissor cut through a fresh piece of construction paper. Dogs. A good pepper relish. Shooting pool. Spaghetti Westerns. Scrambled eggs when I'm hungover. The night before a hangover. The Office. Camping. Hiking. (Generally, just being outside is alright by me.) Indie films. Board games. Wine.
Someone else who watched, and fully enjoyed, The Six String Samurai.
I listen to a lot of different stuff, it just depends on the stellar and planetary alignment. It would be easier to list the stuff I can't stand:
Maroon Five (and every other temporal pop sensation)
Emo. Jared Leto and the 30 seconds to Mars. Eye-shadow on anyone but Robert Smith. Etc, etc, etc.
Kenny Chesney and all the other formulaic, slide guitar driven, "every-man" morons.
And finally, gangster rap.
I love movies. When someone says,
"Hey, what should we do?",
"Let's go see a flick."
Is always a good answer.
Some of my favorites are as follows:
The Big Lebowski (anything by the Coen brothers really), Lock Stock, Fear and Loathing, Pulp Fiction, Pool Hall Junkies.
I hate to admit it, but I watch alot of cartoons; it's cool though, really- they're adult cartoons. The sunday night line up on Fox is probably the best thing to happen to TV since Archie Bunker flushed a toilet in front of a live studio audience.
Is it possible to list a bunch of authors or titles without sounding like a pompous ass? I guess if I listed off the Hardy Boys books or Howard Stern's autobiography..........
This is an easy one- Macguyver. Hands down, no contest.