travelling, conceptual art, photography, dancing, staring at clouds, shooting stars, irony, truth, twilight, stars, drawings, printmaking, collecting stradegies of resistance, epistemology, making mud pies, reveries, pink things, toys, sparkly, celluloids, magic gardens, tree house, garden gnomes, glittery objects and people.
twinkling stars
too many to mention...
currently....Marie Antoniette; Little Miss Sunshine; Miss Potter; Stranger than Fiction; The Lives of Others
currently not watching any... but current favourite dvd is ugly betty.
Life of Pi, Perfume, Wicked, The Time Traveller's Wife, Harry Potters; Ten Sorry Tales; The Melacholy Death of Oyster Boy; To Kill A Mockingbird; Jane Austens'novels
free thinkers, funny, warm hearted, courageous, sincere individuals like my friends and family. x