Hello to all. This is the deceased website of the Blackholepit project. For personal reasons I don't expect everyone to understand (nor I really care), I've decided to let go all of the negative things that have been attached to me.
Expect greater things to come from me in the future, but with a more positive outlook and focus. I'd rather rely on strength than weakness.
My currently active projects are the drum & bass act Zardonic: http://www.myspace.com/djzardonic , and my new ambient project Triangular Ascension: http://www.myspace.com/triangularascension . I recommend this last one specially for those who believe it's time to try a different path and are saturated with negativity.
My best regards and sorry if I've dissappointed anyone. Those who call themselves dark souls, there is a path to salvation, and it's not precisely christian faith. It's in yourselves. FIND IT, it's been waiting there for you since the day you were born
For those who would still wish to listen to the only album that was made under this moniker, click HERE .
Federico Agreda