OFFICIAL MySpace Of E-Dizzle and The Fizzle Bizzle profile picture

OFFICIAL MySpace Of E-Dizzle and The Fizzle Bizzle

Worldwide Personified Motherfuckers

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First off, we can be contacted through A i M at the name smackyourself4me.Growing up on the mean streets of Compton, California is hard enough. But when you're the only white boy in the neighborhood, it can be hell. E-Dizzle started his life as the only cracka ass cracka in an eleventeen mile radius in an area he now lovingly refers to as the "CPT". Typical of any white family, he grew up with his parents listening to Peter Frampton, Grand Funk Railroad, Whitesnake, Heart, Ratt, and Motley Crue, but as E-Dizzle became a teenager, his negro friends started to introduce him to rap music. But while he enjoyed the music of local stars like NWA, he was a bigger fan of Too Short. After hearing the song 'Blowjob Betty', the Dizzle knew the path his life would take. He started writing his own songs and having his colored friends beat box for him. Soon, they realized their honky compadre had an amazing ability to put obscenities into rhyme schemes. But rap wasn't the only love in his adolescent life. E-Diddy had a deep passion for beating up homeless people with burlap sacks filled with golf balls. And soon, that passion landed him in the legal system. After eleventeen years of incarceration at Delano State Prison, E-Dizzle entered the world with a new outlook on life. Gone were the days when it was a good time to bludgeon some hobo with golfing equipment. Now, all he could focus on was his hip-hop dreams. And as fate would have it, while E-Dizzie was in prison, one of his darky friends had sold enough drugs to have some recording equipment. So after doing that friend a few favors (which I cannot mention until the gag clause is lifted in the year 2011teen), E-Dissert got some free recording time. The results were instint. The first day, he completed his hit song "Habitual Truth Telling" and also, beat 3 homeless men to death with Nike golfballs to celebrate. Now, at the beginning of his career, there is no limit to the amount E-Disestablishmenterrianism can offend women, religious people, and old folk.Nathaniel Fizzlebottom, aka The Fizzle Bizzle, aka Fizz Bizz, started off as the group's hype man, but has gone on to record to acopella hit singles. Both of which are available for your listening pleasure above.Word Life" border=0
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Member Since: 8/21/2006
Band Website: none
Band Members: E-Dizzle and The Fizzlebizzle. Tupac tried out but wasn't gangsta enough.

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My Blog

Freewrite (its a textual freestyle)

why is it that the words i speak cause such confusion? its like the media and the church are in collusion, tells us that modern intellect is just a delusion, they dont know the difference between wron...
Posted by OFFICIAL MySpace Of E-Dizzle and The Fizzle Bizzle on Fri, 12 Oct 2007 12:34:00 PST

Vote for the Fizzle Bizzle to be on the Real World

go here: and vote for the Fizzle Bizzle to be on the Real World on MTV, or you are a horrible, heartless human being....
Posted by OFFICIAL MySpace Of E-Dizzle and The Fizzle Bizzle on Thu, 24 May 2007 11:10:00 PST


is not going to happen, sorry, we dont even know the guy
Posted by OFFICIAL MySpace Of E-Dizzle and The Fizzle Bizzle on Tue, 30 Jan 2007 12:11:00 PST

fame hasnt changed us

as we continue to blow up like my bathroom after eating mexican food, a lot of people seem to have gotten the idea that fame has some how changed us, i cant speak for e-dizzle, but as for me, i know f...
Posted by OFFICIAL MySpace Of E-Dizzle and The Fizzle Bizzle on Sun, 17 Sep 2006 03:31:00 PST

Dear Fans of my Music

Dear fans of my music, i created this site as a tribute to you.  for all of your support and love.  especially that one bitch sally who gave me some extra special love behind the waffel hous...
Posted by OFFICIAL MySpace Of E-Dizzle and The Fizzle Bizzle on Thu, 14 Sep 2006 03:38:00 PST