Hyello! I'm Jess, 20 years old, from Rotherham (boo!) but living in Sheffield (yay!), happily attached to the most wonderful boy on earth. I "study" Psychology, which was the biggest and best mistake I ever made in my life. I "work" for Rocky Horrors, as a general wench/babysitter/den mother.
When I'm not in uni, at work, or taking 2am trips to Asda to buy Labyrinth on DVD, I can be found jebbing about in random locations (usually with a pint of cider & black in hand), or tending to my dracula plant/body snatcher plant/pair of venus flytraps. I play with dolls & toys... Blythe x 10, Momoko x 2, Obitsu x 1, Latidoll Yellow x 1. Lots of Dunnys, Treeson, assorted bits of useless cute vinyl. There are more interests in that big long list on the left.
My sister is about the best person on earth. She makes no sense whatsoever, until you need her to, & then she's an absolute genius. She's a bit of a jebber, but I love her all the same.
a dolly blog & gallery
My Flickr
I rarely add bands. That's mainly because most of the bands on MySpace are well... a bit wank. If I want to add a band, I'll search for them and add them myself. Maybe one day someone good might add me. I live in hope.
I edited my profile with Thomas' Myspace Editor V4.4