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i fuckin you with all my damned black heart to the end of our decaying worlds that will never seize the constant torture that is our existance!
def ears hear better that the ignorant, blind eyes see better than the judgemental, but the heart sees and hears all
love and life have two different realities that can never coexist in a bi-exstantial life style
What is life but one big beginning, if so then isnt death the end of life, and at the same time a new beginning, life may have its advantages but death does as well, the only difference between the two, is that the definition to life is to mearley exist and have experiences that may or may not effect those around you, but in death you only rest, peace and trainquility are your only priorities, with all the chaos and hatred we have in this world we LIVE in. Death will give you a clean slate and let you free so you never again have to fear pain or chase love, death is what life is based upon, death is everything, life is the journey to our destiny to simply end.
So long beautiful butterfly, perish as your wings boldly burst into flame and you say your last goodbye, Take your final bowe with grace.
if you live with regret you live with unacomplishment, when you live with unacomplishment you live in past with all the dark hours of humanitys past, welcome to the present and future, welcome to fuckin reality.
<3 Im in the abyss, black is my vision, give me a light, any light, give me your eyes, let me see from your views,let me hold on with your hands, mine are slipping and will never regrip.
The meaning of life is NOTHING, we mearly exist because we choose to reproduce and continue our race of sentiant beings. In a persons life time you can become Infamous and collosully rich, but no matter how much money you make or how well known you are you cannot buy immortality. You can buy the world and own everything in it but you will never actually have it, because time owns everything, you can buy everything but time, you can live through getting shot and even through having cancer but you can never live through time, out of every weapon ever made by man kind, Time was always the deadliest, for even the world its self cannot escape it. So back to the original thought, The meaning of life is to live before time destorys you and deletes you from ever existing, We must continue our existance through reproduction, and the recording of history. To live all you need is to breathe eat and sleep, Actually living, you push your body to the limits, never be affraid of anything and never hold back from your emotions or feelings.
When i die, i will scream, anguish will over whelm me, mercy i beg for, instead im knocked to the floor, so plz when you cry let it flow, love might be the last link to our humanity, I lost all that makes me human, i have all the characteristics of a human, skin, blood, eyes, hair, but not one single, clear, identifiable emotion except for greed and disgust.
You see beauty, i see pain, you see sky, i see acid rain. I say i love you, you say fuck you, i never got what i wanted, i never got what i needed, frozen here in time, just let me die. Its my life that im leading, and its my hearts that is bleeding, I cannot stop all this pain, knowing i have nothing to gain.
i walk the road a dead legend travels, broken in spirit and in heart, i cant finish my life for i never got to start, i have no chance at love or happiness, it would be better if i just didnt exist.
We say we love flowers, yet we pluck them.
We say we love trees, yet we cut them down.
And some people still wonder why some are afraid
when they are told they are loved.
As the crimson rain falls from my wrist, i shall soon seize to exist. death is near and steadly towards me,noone to tell me story. Good morning and good night, im greatful i had this much of a life.
im so human, im not human at all, i really just exist in the mind and state of a human just like everyone else but none of us are human, we are sentiant beings of matter, time and space.
a true knight of darkness, i live by the sword, sharp is my blade, and sharp are my senses, my heart pumps pure hatred, happiness is not an option for someone like me, merely survival, i am a lion shot down from his pride, i am the shadow casted by the father of lies himself, noone can see who or what i am , i only exist in the fear and hatred of those who choose to hate the world im fueled by corruption and malice, the end is near for all humanity, but i will thrive on all the suffering they will endure
"Im a shadow with a purpose and a ghost with a legacy" "I am sunshine, i bring you happiness and light into your life, i am also the blackness of space that engulfs the sun"~Saxon Acuna~ I have no eyes because the evil of the world burned them away i have no heart because the ones i loved took it and i have no soul because im a walking corpse
Ive never been one to do things myself. I usually stand by and watch the world move and work and look at things in a very literal way. As the world ages and people change i stay the same age and keep being who i am. Sometimes i dont like how i handle things but im not going to change for anyone i love life and everything in it. Even if you disrespect me i will still see you as an equal. Thanks to all those people that are my true friends and never stop loving me or caring for me. I know i dont do alot for anyone but i give my all to everyone and thats what matters<333.
Lately ive been realizing who i can and cannot trust,i love meeting new people and see old faces, but i only trust a very small few, and if i actually do trust you dont take it lightly because i bearly trust myself with the dumb choices i make. Now that doesnt mean to go and be my inner voice of reason for me. ;) I likethat way i am, i live by the day and im always up for a new adventure, if your up for some fun and a good adventure let me know (949) [735-0225]
SN: kingsaxon822
Fuck your faith
Fuck your kind
Fuck your ways
Fuck your world
ive grown bored of my life
if you think were friends
SAFEST IN CALIFORNIA...everyone here is a shady bitch, you turn your back
and you end up getting stabbed in the FUCKING BACK and
all your shit jacked but who cares "IDGAF" haha
your "best friends" only like you for your money or
the drugs you get em GROW THE FUCK UP, STOP BEING
shit didnt use to be like this you all made it this way
humanity im so over everything and practically everyone fuck this shitty place we call ORANGE COUNTY