Well... I love to have fun and try new things! I like to dance, go to movies, i love theater and going to plays, music, football GO DAWGS!, Hockey GO GLADIATORS!, hanging out with my friend and partner in crime EMMA!, I love being with my Boyfriend Chris.. He brights up my life! I collect I Love Lucy stuff, I love to eat!, I was in Odessey of the mind for three years and coached for one year!, I like to go to the lake and ride jet skies, ride 4 wheelers!, pretty much you name it I like to do it just as long as it's legal.
Whoever I can before I die. DANE COOK... ohh wait I allready did that!! He signed my boob!! Jim Carey, Sandra Bullock, My Twin, Whoever invented the Snickers bar, Whoever the hell TOM is, Will Farell, and Whoever came up with the crazy words like fork or perrywinkle or spork....
Name? Kristin Lynne snyder
Hair? Blackish brownish redish blonish!
Eyes? Blue!!
Height? 6' 7" I'm a beast!
Hometown? Lawrenceville GA
Birthplace? Athens GA
Sign? Cappricorn
Left/Right handed? Righty
Heritage? um... German! watch out I spit!
Favorite Season? Fall or spring
Favorite Color? BLack! but I love all colors!
Favorite Cd? right now! taking lottie home!
Favorite Movie? Love all movies!
Favorite day of the week? Friday or Saturday depending on who I'm with!
Favorite number? 22
Favorite animals? Doggie!
What pets do you have? none :(
Favorite car? Black volkswagen convertable beattle
Favorite Sport? Hockey and Football
What did you wear today? Jeans, and An LSU hoody!
Favorite Food? watcha got?
Do you smoke? nope
Do you drink? not latley!
Do you do drugs? I shoot up everyday all day!
Do you like your life? yes... I'm in love with life! lol
Favorite fast food? Arbys or Taco Bell
What did you eat today? Fried egg sandwich, Bowl of soup, and a large thin crust pizza! I'm not fat at all!
How many piercings do you have? wouldn't you like to know! Emma makes me laugh!
How many tatoos do you have? none!
What is your weakness? your boday!
What is your greatest fear? Being alone when I'm 30!
Where would you most like to travel to? Italy, Europe, Figi, Germany to meet my kin folk! and back to Washington D.C
Favorite band/artist? I have a lot of them!
Do you like indoors or outdoors better? Um....... depends on the weather! mostly indoors
What is your favorite pastime? Cheerleading and beating the crap out of emma!
Favorite holiday? memorial day! and Martin Luther king day!
Most missed memory? Call from Papaw!
Biggest Regret? a have a few!
Ever been in love? yup!
Someone you love? yes! luv luv luv
Something you hate? ignorant and rude people! and and sweetpotatoes!
Do you think you are attractive? I'm on Fire!!
Do you believe in yourself? my mommy says I can do anything I want to!
What do you wish you could change about yourself? My bestfriend!l lol I just playin!
Favorite junk food? Cookie dough and 2% publix Milk
Favorite t.v. show? Um... I like reality Tv! yes yes Make fun!
Most important quality in a friend? great kisser! she knows how to rub me the right way!
Most important quality in a boy/girl friend? Someone that makes you Crumble!
Do you cry when you watch a sad movie? Have you ever watched a sad movie with me! I cry like a baby!
Do you shower everyday? four times a day! After every meal!
Do you get along with your parents? sure do! they're the bestest!
Do you go to school and/or have a job? Have two jobs! soon will be in school as well!
Are you .. for more than 2 hours a day? yup!
Sox or Yankees? I like to wear socks!
Coke or pepsi? neither!
coffee or tea? both!
Night or day? night!
Raine or shine? Depends on who your with! both can be great!
Sugar or Salt? Salt! but I'm sweet too!
beer or alcohol? beer is Alcohol! stupid!
cat or dog? Dog I effin hate Cats!
make love or fuck? are yo talking about intercorse?? Thats bad!
chocolate or vanilla? men or Ice cream! ice cream.... chocolate!!
ideal job? Nursing and helping others!
favorite ice cream? Sherbert
favorite video game? Mario Party!
favorite website? Myspace
What one thing do you want the most? world peace
Do you have siblings? Ya two older brothers! And A skanyslutrosa!
Do you sing? yes....
Do you dance? I drop it like its hott!
Ideal Boy or Girl
hair color? Chestnutt
eye color? Brown
height? 6' 2"
weight? 180
style? dress shirts, expensive jeans and cowboy boots!
what first attracts you to a person? personality and smile
are looks the most important quality? no way man!
do you like men and women? yup! Emma's a sexy beast!
what about if you were drunk? yea! Emma's a sexy beast!
would you prefer the person to be rich? to be honest It would help!
do you want someone older or younger than you? I don't really care!
What personality trait is most important? semce of humor, respect, and honesty
Final Questions
What is your screen name? don't have one
Do you like meeting new people? sure! sometimes I come off weird though!
What is your best quality? you tell me! i think personality!
Create your own friendquiz here
WOW..... CameoNova, Jon Wan and all that Crumbles, Our Lady Peace, 30 Seconds to Mars, Hinder, Lost Profits, FlyLeaf, John Mayor, Journey, Whitesnake, Gnarles Barkley, Whitney Houston, Alien Ant Farm, Code Atom, Angles and Airwaves, Eagles, Family Froce Five, Taking Lottie Home, Pearl Jam, Ludarcris, Garlington, Queen, Snow Patrol, and Last November LOL...NOT!!
I love all movies.... Moulin Rouge, That thing that you do, Curly Sue, Accepted, The Island, The sweetest thing, Monster house, The brave little toaster, We were Soldiers, Jack ass 2, Liar Liar, Billy Madison, Cinderella Man, The Gladiator, Top Gun ;) , and a tone more!!!!!
Anything reality... that sounds so stupid but its true. Grey's Anatomy, House, that seventy's show, Friends, Family guy,Will & Grace, AND THE OFFICE... if you haven't seen it ...you need to! and FLAVA FLAVE!!
Who reads?? Next question please...
PHIL.... because he reaches out and grabs success!!!
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