OK, so it's now the end of June - and I haven't changed my "about me" section to state the fact that I am 18 now... man the laziness just oozes out of me doesn't it?!!!
I'm a music nerd that has played guitar for fourteen years and any music question you have a could probably answer it...
I'm one of the few people in this world that hates the heat and loves the cold. If I was to choose a place to go I would say ENGLAND, just for the cold, the bars, the culture, Doctor who's POLICE BOX, and MUSE!!!
Now though my hair in the photos was "FIRE ENGINE RED" it's not anymore, n it hasn't been for a while, so if u haven't seen my hair change, clearly we haven't seen much of each other for a while...
I'm quite the stick insect but I tend to eat the equivilient of a house in food everyday, and my parents remind me of how much i eat (don't ask how)... I sing, play guitar, drum, play bass, and a little piano/keyboards...
I play in a band called AMAZETTI, which was called Vixia, which was also called Paladian, which was originally (and more popularly) INERTIA - WHICH WAS ORIGINALLY CREATED AS "THE TIEBREAKERS" (YES I CAN THINK THAT FAR GUYS!!!), but other than that, I am going through several projects and pretty much up for anything music (I MEAN MUSIC - NOT "C-RAP") and I love to write and play music... Of course, remember I am a music nerd...
I live and breathe music and I hope to make a successful career out of it some day...If you wish to drop me a line, or wanna chat, add me:
[email protected] ...
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