Welcome to My Page...FALL is My FAVORITE Season!
MYSPACE is such a great way to meet new people!
I am a Christian and believe there is but one God, Jehovah (I call Him Father)...only one way to know Him and that is through His Son, Jesus.
I have an awesome husband, so I'm not interested in any new "relationship" material.
I am 60 years old, so, in keeping it real...no sexy porno webcam requests, PUHLEEZE!
I like meeting new people and enjoy the fellowship with my wonderful "MYSPACE" friends. So...if you already have 100's of 1000's of "friends", and don't have time to leave even an occasional comment on my page, then you probably won't ever see my comments or bulletins either, which doesn't meet my requirements to be added as my friend. I am NOT interested in promoting your business/music (unless I like it) or just adding to your numbers. All Others...WELCOME!
"Above All, Guard Your Heart.....
.....for Out of It Flow the Issues of Life"
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Always a COWBOYS Fan...ALWAYS!
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