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I am on many sites and each one represents a part of me You see I am a free spirit and do not believe in setting boundry's on my beliefs. My philosophy with which I live by is of my own choice made of the ingredients of life, something like the ingredients for baking a cake. A little of this and alittle of that. I am a truth seeker. What I have learned to be truth in my seeking, I apply to my being. While it may confuse those who are thinking within the box please keep in mind I do not reside inside any box(no negative pun intended-simply a use of words in which to try to express a point). All that which you come to know me as, is me in unity. (wink) I am Me. Being who I choose to be has allowed me to be friends to all peoples without prejudice. Even if the philosophy applied to myself differs from anothers choice, I can relate to their beliefs establishing a part foundation on which a friendship can grow the other part is simply common respect for their choice. So, Anything you want to know ask, and I will be happy to help you understand me(smiles) Just call me universal LOL