Faeces Eruption profile picture

Faeces Eruption

About Me

I edited my profile with Thomas Myspace Editor V3.6 !

Faeces Eruption started at the end of december 2003 as a one member band. At the end of januari 2004 the first recordings were recorded and were used for the split CD-R with Anal Penetration that came out in februari 2004.(re-released by Last House On The Right recs. on CD)Discography: Faeces Eruption/Anal Penetration CD-R......Faeces Eruption/Anal Penetration CD......Uncontrolled Laxative Abuse 9way CD......Faeces Eruption/Tumour CD......Gored Face/Faeces Eruption/El Muermo CDComing out: Faeces Eruption/Kots CD Faeces Eruption - The Murderous Rampage Continious......Faeces Eruption/Rottend Stuk Vrouwenvlees TAPE(urethra records)......Faeces Eruption/Anatomically Incorrect Crackwhore 7"(urethra records)......Faeces Eruption/Canker - TAPE(urethra records)......Faeces Eruption - DeoxyriboNucleic Acid - TAPE......

My Interests


Member Since: 2/28/2005
Band Website: gruesomeproductions.com/faeces_eruption
Band Members: Geert Lucassen on: Vomits/y-tuned? bass guitar/noisestrings/[email protected]
Influences: Dead Infection, Last Days Of Humanity, Tumour, Urine Festival, Dysmenorrheic Hemorrhage
Sounds Like: some bands i like: last days of humanity, dead infection, regurgitate, CxMxPx, dysmenorrheic hemorrhage, anatomically incorrect crackwhore, rottend stuk vrouwenvlees, canker, cripple bastards, tumour, carnival of carnage, fecevomitatie, urine festival, biocyst, squash bowels, decomposing serenity, purulent spermcanal, malignant tumour(old), my minds mine, f.u.b.a.r., headcrash, agathocles, smes, kots, anal penetration, stoma, bodies in the basement, progeria, trauma team,
Record Label: Urethra Records - www.urethrarecords.cjb.net
Type of Label: None