chilling with mates playing Basketball and many other sports and doing pretty much anything. I don't like sitting around doing nothing as im very energetic and like to do many things each day to keep me active. ..{..rtf1..ansi..ansicpg1252..deff0..deflang1033{..fonttbl{. .f0..fswiss..fcharset0 Arial;}} {..*..generator Msftedit;}..viewkind4..uc1..pard..f0..fs20 ..par .. width="425" height="350" ....par ..par ..par }width="425" height="350" .... width="425" height="350" ..
some interesting people as everyone would like to but i wouldn't mind meeting a few of the and1 basketball team and many different ballers from the nba like vince carter.Hit me with a comment after reading and hope you like me space Holla
Anything with a good beat to it really not really got a certain genre of music but love boppin........
Alot of them but im really set on the horrors as there are great, not really in to the romantic films tho unless your in the presence of a lady
The Dave Chappelle Show! Don't really watch TV as i dont sit around much but do like the sports programs.
NOOOO!!!!!! :D
V.C aka vince carter tha guy who took balling to another level. Many others also remember (banna'man)