LEEBO profile picture


I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

*UPDATED 1-8-2008*
Alright, time to change things up. Here I have made up my own interview. It’s short. It’s sweet. And it’s got all the important and juicy questions. What I’ll do is every week or so, or when ever I feel like it, I’ll change the questions/answers, so it’ll give you blood sucking people something new to read. If you have any questions you want me to post, send them to me. Enjoy. L.S.B
Q. So rumor has it that your going to be a dad. Is this true? A. Yeah, can’t believe it. It’s still early, so things can still happen, but we just gotta let nature take it’s course. But yeah, I’m pumped!
Q. What’s one thing you’re looking forward to with your child? A. Honestly I can’t wait to get one of those daddy harnesses to carry the kiddo around and go hiking, or walking around the park. Places like the Zoo or The Botanical Gardens will be so much more fun having a kid around. Plus, I can now go to Chucky Cheese without looking like a loser.
Q. What was the last argument you and your wife had? A. Hmmm, last “debate” was probably a friendly one about the difference between a “flirt” and a “charmer.” We clashed like Napoleon and the Battle of Austerlitz, the Greeks and the Persians, David vs Goliath, Democrats vs Republicans! Hours we debated, fought with tooth and nail until a neutral third party member voiced up and I rose like a phoenix from the ashes victorious. And in case there was any confusion, I’m a charmer, not a flirt.
Q. What’s something that you no longer do that you miss? A. The skate sessions back in high school. First at the church, then at Jr’s. Some of the best memories I have.
Q. I hear you’re a fan of American Gladiators. Why? A. Oh man, that show kicks ---!
Q. And you’ll openly admit to that? A. Hey, I’m not afraid. The Gladiators ain’t for the weak. Footballs for pansies, wrestling’s for losers. AG is THE greatest show on earth. It’s intense!
Tune in in a couple of weeks for some new exciting questions!

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My Interests

Just about anything outside and anything to do with water: on it, in it, around it. My wife's my best friend, so I'm happiest being with her. ....

I'd like to meet:

As long as your not a jackass, I'll say hi.


Music? I listen to whatevers on the IPOD.


Classics baby: Dumb and Dumber, The Burbs, Goodfellas, Snatch, Breakfast Club, Fast Times......Pan's Labyrinth for a little international flair.... "300" kicks ass too.


3 TV essentials: Simpsons, Seinfeld and Antiques Roadshow


Books? Everything from "Harry Potter" to "The Da Vinci Code" to "Freakonomics" to the dense "A Short History of Nearly Everything." Current book: "Lord Of The Rings". People don't read enough. Stupid myspace internet crap wasting our time....


My hero: Anyone who's worked hard for what they have and who work harder for what they don't.