Music(playing guitar), eating, sleeping, drinking, reading up on things like aliens and government conspiracies, world history, the sciences of the world... Peeing without my hands... Glass sculptures...
I like different stuff. ill listen to it if it sounds good to my ears.
{-current favorite: The Thin Red Line.} ............................................................ .............................................. Stanley Kubrick Movies. Tarantino movies. Hans Zimmer Tracks. James Stewart films. Akira. Fog of War. Thin Red Line. Lawrence of Arabia. and a whole lot more!
Educational channels. Conan. Family Guy. Futarama. Deportes. Movie channels. I think thats it.
i like books! especially the sexually oriented type. and sci-fi stuff,government/global conspiracy type stuff, books with fucking pictures dammit. Stuff like that you know...
Does my Penis count?