Im MARNELLI dela cruz HOLLAND,im married to a man SETH who love's us forever and ever,HE SO HANDSOME,SWEET & RESPONSIBLE ,evrything he had...were so lucky and thank GOD so much!!! GOD,i thank you for this life,for a mind to appreciate the magic of everyday miracles,for a spirit to swell in joy at your mighty presence everywhere...thank u LORD!...anyway he's here now;;;CHRISTIAN's first website '''',he was born on sept.19,he's 9 lbs. & 2 oz. & 21.5 inches long,he's precious gift from GOD;we love our son so much ....we're so blessed!!! Oh and even thou before he still in my tummy''i felt in love w/ this child of mine....Anyway i love my hubby and so much ,their my life,my love,my everything,i love them both!!! "i just swear;i will always be there;and give anything;and everything...;and i will always care through weakness and strength;happiness and sorrow;for better for worse;I WILL LOVE YOU WITH EVERY BEAT OF MY HEART...To all my friend;i wish above all things that you may prosper in health and wealth..have a good one;GODSPEED!!!here some someone who've been experienced..i know all....ryt?or maybe not ''Everyone knows how to love,because we are all born with that gift...some people have a natural talent for it,but the majority of us have to re-learn,to remember how to love and everyone without exception,needs to burn on the bonfire of past emotion,to releive certain joys and griefs,certain ups and downs ,until they can see the connecting thread that exists behind each new encounter,because there is a connecting thread...''It's he's first studio picture dec 3,06...He so adorable and wonderful child of mine.God blessed us so much!
Month of July-party time! ..THIS SLIDESHOW month of May/June
.. oTrip to MN & ND/fargo, much fun,it was great to visited them families and friends..we stay at great grandpa/ma house and went shopping alot,went to different places..especially at MALL AMERICA the biggest mall in the whole states.Went to ND/Fargo and stayed at Wingate Hotel,we have a big room and king size bed, im so amazed of christian coz he always happy wherever we going and whatever we do,he never get tired,lol..always happy and h's been good to all people arounds attractive son,lol..anyway thats he's first time trip and he's been good also while we are in the plane,he like's it alot...i love him so much,im not having a problem w/ him ,he such a good baby boy of mine...he loves plane,he's not fussy at all since he was born,never... some kids crying alot coz they having problem to their ears...christian and i are having so much fun this trip.God bless!
..6-7 months of my little man....He's my sweet little angel,always brighten up my days....he's creep or crawling faster,play peekaboo alot!pull up to standing position from sitting,get into a sitting position from stomach,play patty-cake(clap hands)or wave bye-bye.walk holding on to furniture(cruise),say"mama" or "dada"or daddy indiscriminately.he's climbing alot in upstairs/everywhere(3 stairs steps)and walking like 2 to 3 steps by himself.Thats my mommy!
..4-6 months slide show of my little angel & families!---He's such a good boy,he sitting without support and pull up to standing position from sitting,stand holding on to someone or something,object if you try to take a toy away,work to get to a toy out of reach,pass a cube or other object from one hand to other,look for dropped object,babble,combining vowels and consonants such as ga-ga-ga,ba-ba-ba,ma-ma-ma,da-da-da.He's a good eater,not "peke"A taste for more?no problems!rolling,scooching,and swimming alot,monkey see monkey do,lol...feed self cracker or other finger food..creep or crawl.
..''2 to 4 months of my love christian''---He's doing great he's a learner faster...he's development so early...he's my big boy...on stomach,raise chest,supported by arms,roll over(one way)in he's 3 months roll over two way and more,grasp a rattle held to backs or tips of fingers,pay attention to an objects as small as a raisin,reach for an object,say "Ah-goo",smile spontaneously,laugh out loud,follow the object held about 6 inches above of christian face and moved 180 degrees(from one side to the other)all the way,bear some weigth on legs when held upright,keep head leavel w/ body when pulled to sitting,turn in the direction of a voice,particularly mommy's,razz(make a wet razzing sounds).In 4 months --sit without support and starting crawling in a little..what a mazing boy!.love to play games and smiles & coos.THE WHOLE MONTH PICTURE OF CHRISTIAN...he so cute and adorable,a bigger baby everyday,lift head briefly when on stomach on a flat surace,focus on a face,respond to a bell in some way,such a startling,crying,quieting,lift head 45/90 degrees when on stomach,vocalize in ways other than crying(cooing),smile in response to your smile,hold head steady when upright,bring both hands together,smile spontaneously...he's a good baby boy.Myspace Graphics
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Myspace Layouts