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Earthwhore began life as a project by Yyseth in 2004. The idealism involved an eerie atmosphere with aspects of minimalism, mostly by incorporating aggressive vocals to show the subtle power of extreme emotion.
Since then, Earthwhore has evolved to rationalise more primitive inspirations in order to create a minimalistic hybrid of Black Metal.
In early-2008, Hypnoticvs joined Earthwhore on guitars, bringing a new level of incorporation to Earthwhore's craft. Helvetia, joined mid-2008, introducing a new level of speed, aggression and intensity to Earthwhore, as well as keeping Earthwhore's traditional aspects raw and primitive. On the 26th February 2009, Earthwhore began performing with The Downfall: Inception To Genocide, a 3 part gathering of Black Metal in the midlands alongside Infernal King and Adversary. As a brotherhood, The Downfall: Inception To Genocide live shows will be occurring across the UK frequently. Keep a close watch on our show schedule. On the 20th March 2009 Earthwhores ranks were bolstered once again with the expansion of the roster to include Lvcivs (former Shadow Ascension) on Bass guitar, taking over those duties from Yyseth. This expanded the range of vocals it was possible to attempt, and simultaneously added a layer of depth previously unseen to the lower end of the sound, making the tone far more heavier and introducing a level of technicality previously unachieved.
Regarding Earthwhore's message and global symbolic philosophy, Earthwhore cares not for humanity; as humans we are worthless creatures living our lives in squalor and sordid monotony. This wearisome existence and pathetic refusal to achieve any sort of potential (despite how obviously capable of choosing a better way our minds are) has driven Earthwhore's gestalt mind to a point beyond pitying this breed, but seeking the worthy, those willing to escape this valueless life and ascend to achieving human potential, by returning to instinctual creatures of the Earth - tribal in nature, without the fractious nature of Religion, Government, Nations or Economics. Humanity is evidently incapable of living with nature, instead finding it impossible to satisfy the insatiable hunger of the ravenous monstrosity human nature constructs: Humans are to take what the Earth supplies us, then we carve out more, destroying life given to us by our planet, which is the only truly sacred thing in existence. Life on Earth will one day fail to adapt, and will crumble by wiping out everything humanity is. At this current position in time, this is INEVITABLE. The only way is to return to living with the Earth - not against it, which is impossible with such a ridiculously vast population. The only option is to cull a huge number of people, making it impossible for humanity to keep up its current rate of destruction. Population control, post-genocide, would be able to keep humanity in track. Brutalitarianism is the only source of hope to keep such a thing operational.
Earthwhore take pride, fear and respect within Her Natural Majesty that Nature is.
All works Copyright © Earthwhore 2004 - 2009 excluding Earthwhore Logo Copyright © Robert McLearren 2007