My life in 8 words. Cute, Cuddly, Wrong, Idiotic, Brilliant, Innocent, Lonely, Nameless. I absolutely adore kitty kats. They're the most genius beast that I know of, performing acts and feats without boundry. If I had a pen and a piece of paper, I'd be writing --- even if it were non-sensibly. Writing is a passion borne into the hearts of some and a mere type-o to others. A true writer isn't a grammar whore but rather embraces the passion that is within them and is capable of thinking about it. The most 'benedight' thing to do is to think and not say - for a single word that is well thought through is infinitely better than an endless parade of idiocy. Words are not art unless they're a true expression of self and mind - not merely a result of current culture and times. Your brain is more powerful than you could ever imagine, sit on its silence and dream of mystique - then you may enjoy the serenity of self. Anarchy is not a bought or stolen symbol from the store. Promoting a corporate symbol; hiding behind Chaos to promote Order, that is not Anarchy. Senseless and meaningless destruction combined with a fickle will and a false dream, that is not Anarchy. The true Anarchist hides behind Order to promote their definition of rulership, to work in thought to make their dream come true. In the end, the true anarchist, no longer with their false identity or pampered lifestyle, accepts that their dream will live only momentarily. Anarchy is not a permenant government subtype, it's a doorway to remove corruption and mismanagement. To attack Anarchy and defame it is to say that a government may never become delusional with power and oppress its people. In my mask of Jest, Order, and Just, I seek to end that which holds away our dreams. Whether or not you view me as an anarchist doesn't matter, they're my dreams too and I'll seek to ignite them whether you want to live in your fantasy of 'Vandalism' or not. My primary interest in life is to live. As stupid as that may sound, so many people can't seem to accomplish it. They enter life and study hard to do well in school: then they work their entire school life away, only to work hard and spend their life at work. Let us digress a moment though, whats wrong with working hard and doing well? It promotes capitalism, and I'm a capitalist, so this has to be a good thing. They'll live better than myself, with more things. They'll have a family who may love them and won't have to struggle. Thats all well and nice --- but what do you do if, by most evidence and research, you'll be less happy with the more money you have? Your stress levels will escalate and your health will deteriorate. In addition to that, your money ceases to bring you further happiness before it can even reach six digits annually. Without struggle, life becomes dull and meaningless - as innumerable studies have shown (Pick up a psychology today on your way home, kay? Or whatever medical journal you'd like) and loses meaning, leading you to loss of happiness rather than gain. You'll have no memories of a childhood or experience to share to your children. Call my bluff and prove me wrong - tell me how you defy logic and live life to the fullest while buckling down and working your hardest. And while you juggle a life so complicated it's hardly worth looking at, I'll live my life. I'm a crazy idiot, to say the least. I enjoy Backpacking, Camping, Rafting, Kayaking, Boating, Sailing, SnowBoarding, Surfing, Rock Climbing, Swimming, Volleyball, Tennis, Golf, Soccer, Rugby, Water Polo, Hiking, Archery, Swordsplay, Fencing, Boogie Boarding, Biking, Mountain Biking, and probably a few more things that I've yet to discover. It's true that I don't get to do everything I enjoy nearly as much as I'd like to. Surfing is a great example, I've only ever gotten to do that once but I loved it so. It's also true I don't love everything.. Like Splunking. I don't like splunking. But thats how things are. Do what you enjoy and look forward to them whenever possible. Treat your body right and push yourself as hard as you can, because if you can't make that last step, you'll regret it every day. My obsession with TeckX? Whats wrong with it? In all truth, it's not called TeckX, it's called ToT. It's a series of books that I've wanted to write since I was 5. Robo was my first character, a magical kid who had a magical mask that gave him power. Simple stuff really, but it evolved. Robo soon turned into RoboHunter, the Tech savvy futuristic Assassin. His magic weak, his knowledge strong, and his swordsplay mediocre; his real power lay in his psionic abilities. The irony lay in that Psionic abilities prove useless against robots, the predominant predator used in futuristic settings as far as I was concerned. So his name RoboHunter really proved futile, but he kept it as a sort of decoy to ward off problems. The next step was Adam Tekko, the Psychotic orphan. RoboHunter was now a fantasy style character with a real name, his girlfriend, LunerEclipse, was now Galleon Ecliptic - and his two best friends, RoboticKnight(TeckXKnight) and GeneticWarrior(BioKnight) were Alias White and Rayla Cryptic. Adam Tekko was a scholar by choice now and inhereted magical and psionic abilities as traits from his parents. He wanted nothing to do with violence until his parents were murdered and his sister stolen away from him. In pursuit, he trained himself in the arts of the assassin, as he was naturally adept with plants and their creations; poisons were simplistic to make. He would soon develope multiple personalities after stealing and wearing a forbidden artifact known as the Mask of Fools, a Jesters Mask. He was only supposed to receive one other dominant personality, Ecks, the creator of the mask. But the mask steals away souls and locks them up and strong spirits are able to maintain control - so Psyche was also able to retain a hold. Adam, the innocent young man who sought only to save his family; Ecks, the abused Jester who went insane and sought relief in Necromancy; Psyche, the Multipersonalitied... Ya, theres another one that came along with Psyche. Chevalier. In all truth, we've gone off topic to my fetish evolution into sheer character bios, so I'll stop now. But if anyone was wise and keen of eye, they'll have noticed that Adam's name is not TeckXKnight, but rather that's his friend's. I won't explain why this is, but in truth, I'm supposed to be RoboHunter, not TeckX The Knight. Video Games are my second passion. I've always been the underdog in that my initial abilities are weak and I show little potential other than a basic grasp for the game. But my uncanny need to grow allows me to get better fast, soon mastering the game and its secrets. Though not always true, it proves so more often then naught. My genre hold stable in RPG and Strategy, but sometimes I'll venture in FPS. The 3 Greatest Games Ever in my opinion: Fallout 2, Shining Force, and Earthbound. Don't ask why Chrono Trigger and Final Fantasy didn't make my list, they just didn't, live with it. Likewise for CnC fans, yes I like the game very much, but it's not my numero uno. My current projects are "Random Poetry Bits", "Tale of The: Avatar of Chaos", "Tale of The: Warrior of Innocence", and "Delusional Workings of My Broken Mind". No previews, period. Tired of showing them off before they're done. Don't ask when they'll be done either... I'm without a muse, so my will is weaker than it should be =/
Everything but Rap really. Though I truly do enjoy Rock and Punk the most. Their only rivals would be their originals, Classical.
The Nightmare Before Christmas is by far my Number 1 Movie ever. Next to that would be The Matrix --- the first one. The next two suck. Finally, a new fav, V for Vendetta was pretty good.
Television is boring, drole, and pointless. It's all needless filler that does nothing to spark the imagination or to entertain. All it does is catch you once with a bright and shiny image then you sit there and stare at it. I Hate TV. There are very few exceptions. Purposely stupid and idiotic humor do catch my appeal though ^_^. Family Guy, Simpsons, and... Kinda sorta American Dad =/
I only read comic books actually o.o... So umm, ya. VGCats, Charby the Vampire, Goblins: Life Through Their Eyes, Sinfest, Neko The Kitty, Ctrl Alt Del, Count Your Sheep, White Ninja Comics, and The Adventures of Doctor McNinja are my current favorites.
Sho Fukamachi and Agito Makashima. 'Nuff said.