Not a People/Animal/Kid Person: I'm a Person Person. See Blog if your curious as to what that means.
Likes to Party?: Not sure. I suppose it really depends on the definition of party. I like to have fun. I love to dance. So, yeah, I guess I like to party. Again, see Blog to more info.
Whistle past graveyards: Most definately. I rant and make jokes because stuff gets to me. I hide behind cynicism. I accept that.
I can't whistle.
Love my kids: Two kids: a 14 y.o. boy and a 2 y.o. girl. There's a certain amount of hubris in being a parent--a certain "look what I did!" But any idiot can breed other little idiots. Parents have to dearly love the little bastards or they wouldn't make it past infancy. It's all part of the brain soup. I am really proud of my kids, they're the coolest kids I've ever met, and I like them even more than my MP3 player, but don't worry. I'll try not to bore you with the details. I'm a parent, I'm a good parent, but it doesn't define me wholy.
Buried at PhotoCasket.comFun Fact: I am very allergic to metal. Believe me, the irony does not escape me, since I am very attracted to my kryptonite. So no peircings, no jewelry, no body candy of any kind other than my ink.
Love Subway: Eat fresh, folks. Ever notice how all the people working at Subway are all fat? I don't know what it's like where you come from, but where I go, the two people behind the counter have to take turns walking, they're so big. I'm not knocking fat people. If it's your thing and you ain't hurting anyone but yourself, go ahead and SuperSize. I just find it ironic. Maybe Jared's giving them the homey hook-up.
I Hate Wal-Mart: WallyWorld is the fucking devil. If you don't care about human rights, poverty, cost to taxpayers, equal rights, child labor laws, breaches in the country's security, exploitation of illegal immagrants, excessive imports and sending American jobs overseas, then that cheap NASCAR t-shirt is sooooo YOU! Wake Up Wal-Mart
I like dorks: I don't know why, but there's always been a special place in my heart for them. I think it's kinda cool that they get excited about Star Trek/Renaissance Festivals/Comic books/RPG games. They subscibe to the "marching to the beat of a different drummer" philosophy better than most rebels, plus they're excited about something other than new cell phones and football. Most of them are hopeless romantics reinventing their own reality as best they can. Reality sucks. Substitute it with your own. (Yeah, I watch Mythbusters. Adam's such a cool dork).
I like RPGs: Mostly White-Wolf, but we try new stuff from time to time.
I scrape the icing off of cake.
I like toe socks. There's something satisfying about wrapping your toes individually. Keeps them from fighting.
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I love coffee. I love just about everything concerning coffee. Cappaccinos, lattes, mochaccinos, iced coffee, hell, even coffee flavored coffee. My favorite is the Mint Condition at Caribou Coffee. I like my coffee like I like my men: ground up and in the freezer? Uh, no, rich, creamy, bold, hot and with a spoon in them.I Love tic-tacs, specifically wintergreen. I always have a pack in my pocket, which makes it difficult to sneaky-sneak, but my breath is a pleasure to be around. I'm at about a pack a day.