***Juliet's mom, here. I am sad to say that Juliet passed away in the wee hours of the morning on April 30, 2009. I am heartbroken, and she will forever be missed. I am leaving her page up for now, as a tribute. I don't know what else to say, except, I love you, Julie-bean.***
Hi, I'm Juliet! I'm 7 years old, and I live with my mommy and my cat brother, Aiden. I also have an uncle dog named Fonzy, but he lives at my grandparents' house.
I'm not sure what breed I am, but someone told my mom that I'm probably a Florida White. I came from a pet store in Erie... Mommy fell in love with me, and her boyfriend at the time snuck me home to surprise her a couple days later. I was the best present ever!
I am very smart and litter-trained. I'm very shy around strangers, but once I get to know you, I love attention! If you don't pay enough attention to me, I will either head-butt you or nip at your pants until you do. I give kisses on command. And I really love bananas.
I am kind of a badass. My brother is bigger than me, but he is, literally, a scaredy-cat. He's afraid of thunderstorms and the vacuum. So you wanna know what I do? When he's annoying me, I go sit next to the vacuum! It works every time. :)