I like playing piano, building things, drawing, singing, playing pool, running, jumping off cliffs, watching movies, lifting, chillin with friends, and eating. Oh yeah, cheerleading is kinda cool, too, but I'm done with that. GO BUCKS!!!
Mr. Perfect and a good landlord in Manhattan. Inquire within, and talk to me. We'll see how it goes:) There's not really anyone famous I'd like to meet, unless it resulted in large financial gains for myself.
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I like classical, big band/jazz, orchestral, most pop, anything catchy. Some people say I'm not into music enough, so I guess I need to start listening to more, but if you've heard my library you'd assume i'm slightly retarded. I should probably watch more movies, too. Movies are expensive!!
Indiana Jones, Back to the Future, Count of Monte Christo, Incredibles, Maverick, Harry Potter, Lord of the Rings, Ducktales, Bring It On (haha), Shawshank Redemption, Apollo 13, Goonies...stuff like that. I might actually have a favorite porn, too, but lets not dive into that end of the pool
Desperate Housewives, Greys Anatomy, Duck Tales, TPIR, Cheers, Family Guy, Prison Break, Heroes...I'd watch all of these if I had a TV. Alas, that is not the case.
Ones with large print and pictures. I finished Wicked not too long ago, so I guess I should start reading something else. Now that I'm in nyc, I have a mission to go see the musical (among others). Lately I've read City of Angels and Running With Scissors. Next on my list is the Alchemist
My parents...all the way. It may sound trite or cliche, but I REALLY don't know how I would've survived to this point in my life without them. And Kyle.