About Me
Welcome to Dimes by the Dozen. a Harville Holdings Company | June 2008 *********************************************************** Exposure. *********************************************************** The Dimes® Management is a newly-established Promotional and Managerial Entity owned-and-operated by accomplished female intellectuals with diverse backdrops in management and entertainment. *********************************************************** Our objective as female promoters is to: Empower and Uplift whenever and wherever available. As one of the few all female promotional companies in Chicago, IL, The Dimes® offer high-quality entertainment, event and promotional contracts to our Partners (Models) in servicing our national client-base without compromising the integrity or intellect of our Partners. *********************************************************** The Dimes® Management services covers: Club, Product and Gadgetry Launches and Promotions, Go-Go and Entertainment Dancers and Events, including: Parties, Concerts, Reality TV and Celebrity Car, Audio and Talent Showcases. In addition to events, select Partners will be featured in our annual "Dimes by the Dozen" Calendar. In addition to their Monthly Feature, these select Partners will also be featured in: *********************************************************** Dimes by the Dozen Model webpage and the calendar promo tour launching in 2009 A videotaped Q&A answering session for the behind-the-scenes promotional DVDs *********************************************************** Current and forthcoming contracts and positions will include: Go-Go and Entertainment Dancers, Door Greeter, Cocktail Waitress, Coat Check Personnel, and at all times: a Dimes by the Dozen Promoter. *********************************************************** Community Outreach. *********************************************************** As a Partner or "Dime Model," communal outreach is imperative. The Dimes® Management strongly believes in community empowerment, education and reinvestments. We strive to remain in good standings with and active partakers in the continued development of local communities in our abiding effort to establish a pure reputation with its citizenry. *********************************************************** The Calendar. *********************************************************** The Dimes® Management is working adjacently with others to release the city's hottest calendar featuring some of today’s and Chicago’s most beautiful women! Each model will be featured in a full layout, per month, which will include a short bio incorporated into each spread, while promoting each of our Partners Dimes by the Dozen model webpage. Calendar sales will be tracked for commission residuals for all our Partners, and all Partners will receive full management and promotions from The Dimes® Management. *********************************************************** We create new opportunities for all our Partners in high energy, quality events and environments that cater to a distinguished market-share of college-aged and educated men and women of all ethnicities. We also offers our Partners industry executive meet-and-greet opportunities and other relationship-building openings where our Partners will be introduced to individuals that can potentially boost their modeling and artistic careers. We will also host Dimes by the Dozen video shoots and DVD production. By way of one of our subsidiaries, Dream Digital Video and Film, we will develop a comprehensive, interactive and entertaining DVD documentary in 2009 featuring our Partners and an exclusive look into the preparation, planning and selection process we employ in finding the women to be featured in our distinguished products and services. ***********************************************************
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