reading is my happiness. :D profile picture

reading is my happiness. :D

I am here for Friends

About Me

love the world.
this be my page. this be corina, age 19, bi. corina be sac city stoodent. corina loves food, dancing, japan, hot people, crazy fashion, sleep, food, animal noses, swimming, asians, colors, water, graffiti, wakeboarding, piercings, awesome hair, food, host family, tattoos, albino burmese pythons, money, friends, cute things, puri kura, talking at parks, food, concerts, posters, family, reading, computers, staring, laying in driveways, making up words, sleeping dogs, food, making fun of people secretly, not doing chores, learning japanese, bouncing, dirtbiking, listening to music, urban art, dxm, walking the streets with friends til the wee hours of the morning, when my toes are warm, scarves, fingerless hobo mittens, cosplay, salvia, talking in cars, food, hookah, water, medium toothbrushes, NO on Prop 8, getting haircuts, clean people, no body hair, make-up, firm mattresses, biting, tecktoniks, being bgirl tetsu, french fries, funny ringtones→to be continued...
.:*~日本で幸梨奈の心がいる♥それは真実だ~* :.
she can DO this to people... the extreme X infinity, double awesome, ninja kick, roundhouse flying glomp OMEGA ...... three.
and she enjoys talking about .snicker-snicker-pms-dot-stamp-sticker-cuddly-kittens.
so true, just like this.(-___-)/
Don't follow the crowd.   thomas myspace editor

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

tell it like it is GrrrrrrL. :D scratch the surface....

teh friendlies

Weesie Lisa "Canini is an awesome lovable person. I have known her for 7 years and i've loved her ever since i met her. She is super nice but some times she can be too nice. now it is time for me to say everythiing I know about Corina Marie Chavez. She spends her time either roaming around Sac City for college or she is watching tv, hanging out with friends, or on the computer. She wants to eventually transfer to sac state and when she grows up she wants to be an english teacher in Japan. She is liek 5'7" or 8" i dont know but i have to look up when i talk to her. Her favorite color is green but everyone know that pink is better. She has 2 dogs, but is moving out into an apartment with friends. She listens to anime music rock and that hyphy shitttt. She also absolutely adores country music =) jk she hates it. She loves guys that are clean and asian. She went to Japan for what seemed liek forever and went to school and made tons of friends that she is planning on leaving me for. She graduated from Rosemont High class of 2008 woot woot. She used to play basketball softball and volleyball... but not so much anymore. She hates lil kids because they are annoying but every so often she runs into a lil person that she likes. She is forced to take child development classes at SCC but you win some you lose some. Hmmm... what else... shes 18 and her birthday is June 19th so buy her something nice. My most favorite memory is when we walked home in the rain and just talked about girl stuff and cried. I love her because she is always there when i need to talk to someone and we can sit in my big van for hours talking about nothiing and have fun. I guess that's it for now byeeee."

D.A.R.K. "This girl... is cool as ice haha. If i ever wanted a good convo, or a heated discussion (my fault), jus strike one up. But seriously, there are some fake ass people, she is definatley not one of them, almost the same cool ass person ive know since.. what like 7th grade? good times. The only change ive seen would definatley be good =)"

Guofeng "what? Corina? of course i know her , she LIGHT up my life! i cant live without her! ok hehe jk XD a life without friends is a life without a sun, there is someone that always love u. that is me :P just becuz someone doesnt love u the way u want them to,doesnt mean they dont love u with all they have, within u i lose myself, without u i found my self want to be lost again :D,dont cry becuz its over,smile becuz it heppened :) take good care of urself in college , ill be missing u ^_^"

Joe "Corina rocks. As her friend Joe Ly, I have never been amazed by such an individual. She reads manga, watches the most awesome movies (Yay for Miyazaki!), speaks in a highly humorous manner, and manages to turn me into this whenever I'm feeling down."

-zacatak "Ooooo. I guess I don't know Corina too well. And I'm not sure she knows me too well either. But, it doesn't take long before you realize what a fantastic person she is. I've seen her turn frowns upside down like it's nothing. All it takes is a smile! Her love for Japan is an unshakable one. I didn't realize that someone could have so much affection for a country until I became acquainted with her. She thinks deep and so, in turn, a deep conversation shared with her will take you deep, so be prepared!"

Aaroñ "Well well what can i say about Corina, she's a pretty awesome and funny girl and we've had some good times, like chillin' outside a rave at 4 in the morning asking people what their stance on beastiality was...(@-@) yeeeaaaaahhh.....good times, good times."

sugar glider .. "I don't know what I'll name it, and I don't know if I'd like a boy or a girl. All I know is that it reminds me a bushbaby flying squirrel kind of cutie and I want to love one of my own!! XD We'll just see how this new event unfolds. So... yeah."

My Blog

update on my life. OH GEEZ

been done got in troubles wif da law. committed the crime, now i'm 'doing the time' and paying the fines. seems like every week there's another punishment-related stress to add on to my shoulders. an...
Posted by on Tue, 03 Nov 2009 08:49:00 GMT

stories written by bored people

To Kelsey:Once upon a time, Kelsey had cum on her finger and she rubbed it in her hair like in Something About Mary. XD THE ENDp.s. based on a true story.To Lisa:Lisa is going to get screwed if she tr...
Posted by on Tue, 31 Mar 2009 20:23:00 GMT

nihil sine nefas

shrieking metal makes the feeling of my stomach churning into knots. the feeling reverberating through the core of your very bones. as i look into your eyes, i wonder how your lens' sees the world? di...
Posted by on Fri, 06 Mar 2009 04:02:00 GMT

too much damn shoujo!

to care about something so much it feels like your chest is being crushed. knowing you have absolutely no power over anything to come, making the crushing so much more severe. seeing it and not being ...
Posted by on Tue, 10 Feb 2009 03:37:00 GMT

funny joe things.

"I'm goin' to Anthony's, so if you didn't go to school cuz of star testing and boredom is creeping up your spiine oh so soft and sold like the devil alien ghost of nebula 6then Anthony's phone is wh...
Posted by on Fri, 30 Jan 2009 12:04:00 GMT

eæeæeæe Une Fille Imprévisible eæeæeæe [[or anyone else who feels like reading it.]]

my new friend rachel thinks it would be entertaining if i were to tell her about my life. i've already begun the tale, but i'll write it so others know my story and my legend will live on. lol JKANYWA...
Posted by on Tue, 20 Jan 2009 22:31:00 GMT

oh dear.

my previous blog was somehow posted unsuccessfully and is now lost in the never-ending abyss, known as the inter-web. ah well.. only one of my many genius lyrical poems has been lost forever. too ba...
Posted by on Sat, 17 Jan 2009 10:07:00 GMT

we are broken

craning inside from the outside can you see it?can you feel that heat rising in your brain?eventually blocking common sense from reality,everything's a dream, everthing's a wish.standing alone in the ...
Posted by on Tue, 06 Jan 2009 05:59:00 GMT


there's nothing else i've ever wanted more. continuing to dwell on the impossibility of my desire is like shattering tremors through my body. i'd give it all up for what i want. for the night, the eye...
Posted by on Wed, 24 Dec 2008 20:04:00 GMT

here and not here at the same time

i don't know why i do this to myself every time. just falling and falling for no reason. i build up my hope and i break it down so quickly. building up the hopes of others at the same time. when it al...
Posted by on Sun, 14 Dec 2008 21:53:00 GMT