rAzzAle!gh profile picture


I am here for Friends

About Me

im aN avid fAn of GRANT HILL!a hapi go luCky girl,fOnd to b with..supEr kaLog!i alwYz mAke pip0l laF evn if dEy dNt lyk...asAr!i lUv at tYms to anNoy piPol!harhar..dats ME!!!i hAte cRueL aNd hyPocrite piPoL as wEll as liaRs!i luV to c0lleCt TAZMANIAN DEVIL,it reLi dRives me cRaZy wEn i sAw taZmaNian stUffs! my fRnds koL nei,raZz,cuTe,taz,lEigh..or evEn "saLing",dunNo weR deY geT dAt nAme..haha...I LUV color BLUE,supEr!whiTe aNd bLack wiLL do to0!mUsic?i go foR alTerNatiVes,RnB,lUv sonGs...im a muSic loVer..i luV to daNce!!!sinGing?nah...i duNno y i dNt hav dAt taLent,hehe...i go cRazY wiTh SHOES!I LUV IT...my ceLfon!cnt liVe w/oUt it...itS bin my bEst bud oL diS tyMs,harhar...fRNds?im ricH with dAt!hav l0ts of fWends and im pRoud of dAt cz iT sh0ws dat iM reli a fRndly peRson anD am suCh a damN niCe gurL!wahehehe...I caN b maLdiTa aT tYms..eh sA gNun eH,dBa?eSpciaLLy weN i buMp inTo a gRouP of piPoL daT i dNt lYk..i kiCk deR buTts ouT of my sigHt!hahah..yaBang noh?!bUt dEn i cAn do daT wiTh matcHing faLLing stArs on mY heAd!hehehe...liVe bAnds?!im alWys preSeNt wiTh evnts or giGs lYk dAt...r0ckeRs to pAre!bwahaha...so,dAts it!dats ME!d real ME!oh...1 more thng..i bliv in gud and bad KARMA!hehehe...liVe liFe to d fuLLest!1 thNg i bLiv in t0o!lYf is t0o shoRt so nJoy and hAv fuN! grrrr....*pEaCe* ;)

My Interests

chatting,txtng,eating,hehe..malling,lakwatsa!reading magazines..

I'd like to meet:

id lyk to meet pipol JUST LYK WAT I AM!


R n B,alternatives,pop,luv songs narin,hehe..anythng dat can make me groove!


harry potter,lord of d rings,knights tale,x-men and alot more.....


im not into books eh..anythng will do! ;O)


have lots of heroes! ;)

My Blog

is dis me?!

What Is Your Best Sexual Skill? Name: Age: Sex: MaleFemaleSexuality: StraightGayBisexualFlirting Skill Level - 13%Kissing Skill Level - 94%Cudding Skill Level - 47%Sex Skill Level - 37%Why They L...
Posted by rAzzAle!gh on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST


How to make a razzaleigh Ingredients: 1 part pride 1 part arrogance 3 parts leadership Method:Layer ingredientes in a shot glass. Top it off with a sprinkle of caring and enjoy! Username: Perso...
Posted by rAzzAle!gh on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

i rock!!!

RRevolutionaryAAmazingZZanyZZonkedAAmorousLLightEExcellentII ntelligentGGlamorousHHardworkingName / Username: Name Acronym GeneratorFrom Go-Quiz.com...
Posted by rAzzAle!gh on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST