I like all kinds of music. I'll listen to just about anything except opera.
ANY Disney movie. I like all types of movies too. There aren't many that I won't watch.
Law and Order. I'm addicted to Law and Order!! Other than that I guess whatever is on the tube at the time. I like NBC but I'm a bad channel surfer. I usually check to see if there is a Law and Order show on anywhere before I'll decide what to watch.
John Grisham books are my favorite but I'm one of those people that will read any book that I can get my hands on. I usually read at least 2 a weeek.
My Grandmother's. Both were very remarkable women that I miss more than words will ever say. My mother because she is my rock. My Aunt Marge who taught me many things as a child. And my daughter...for making me VERY proud everytime I look at the beautiful young lady that she is becoming. And my son...for just being him and making me realize that regardless of what life throws at you a hug or a smile from your kids can make ANYTHING better.