Imagino y realizo arte visual las 24 horas del dia, vivo en hollywood, hago efectos especiales y maquillaje artistico para cine, foto, teatro, TV, y todo lo imposible que se te ocurra. Si estas interesado en mi portafolio y tienes un proyecto, contactame... cualquier parte del mundo es mi campo de trabajo y cualquier reto es mi estilo de vida.
I imagine and produce visual art 24 hours a day. I'm in Hollywood, doing special FX and makeup artistry for film, theater, TV, photography, and all the impossible. If you are interested in my portfolio and you have a project, contact me... any part of the world is my work field, and any challenge is my life style.J'imagine et produis l'art visuel les 24 heures du l'jour, je sui à hollywood, pratiquer effet spécial et l'art de maquillage pour le film, le théâtre, le télévision, la photographie, et tout l'impossible. Si vous êtes intéressé dans mon travail, me contacter, s'il vous plaît...n'importe où dans le monde, n'importe quel défi
I spit the truth in your face. I'm an animal, I smell you before you even approach me; literally I sniff your intentions, talents, and disorders. But once you stop fucking around and try to be yourself, you'll find out that I'm a mirror, and then, I'll be the most interesting person you'll ever meet. / . My job? Translating emotions into colors and forms. I'm closer to pain, than you think. I'm a dentist. / . I travel alone. I hate prejudices. I run toward my goals and make my dreams come true. I love frogs because they're ugly as they are tender; they got thin legs and long fingers. That makes me laugh who knows why? ... And they sing terrible, but with passion. / . I got this mystic connection with animals. Wolves are my favorite. They also sing as frogs, but with wisdom and mystery. I admire the way they search for a unique couple and stay forever as a family. They even commit suicide if the other one dies. Is it love or just a strange instinct? I know the secrets they whisper at the moon in other levels music. Don't try to lie, impress me, humiliate or fight with me. Never intent to be something you're not. I'll laugh in your face, 'cause you emit information among with your body language, your eyes, face and private energy field. If all this doesn't match; you'll be stupid, ridiculous and useless for this world; my special world. Your passport: a smile. / .