if i were in your shoes what would you tell me to do. Ask me a question i say? Go on then??? Well whats that rubbish your listening to. I say that aint no rubbish thats the future of tomorrow. today. Drinking a Pint of Carlsberg export, while maximo applies some pressure, we now wait for the killers to tell us all these things that i've done. But i hear you say only one stop. Is it true. can it be. Alex Turner is in the corner screaming i bet you look good on the dancefloor. He knows me too well. Just before moving to the close strokes tell me the end has no end, but why does it feel like i know this, maybe cos i'm down in albion, still finding it hard to beat. Finishing with the grand finallie of the libertines saying you cant stand me now.href="http://www.msplinks.com/MDFodHRwOi8vd3d3LnRlc3RyaW
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