I am very interested in sports. I will never let anything come between me and my sports. HOGS, C'BOYS AND BRAVES!
I want to meet someone who has a passion for making someone happy...i want to meet someone who goes out of their way, who will drive hours just to see you, who would spend their last dollar on you just because you are thirsty...i wnat to meet a person who can change my life...Oh and one other person, DARREN MCFADDEN (again) he is the greatest running back in hogs history and could be in sec history but will be going into the NFL draft this year!!
I have two heroes but one im not going to touch on but that person made me to who i am. But the other is my dad and the things that we have been through and the things that we have conquered make him the best thing i have now. But you others dont feel left out now!