..I'd like to meet, loadsa new amazin people who i can get along with and have a decent convo with :D but i think i may have met most of them already :D ..
All my friends are heroes, and i mean that, but there are five i personally want to mention, firstly, my cousin hayley! she is like...no she is my sister, she has been there for me through thick and thin, she has helped me soo much, i dont think she realises how much, i just hope she is happy with her fiancee and they lead a happy life cos huni u deserve it!! thank you so much turban twin ;) hehe love u loads sis!!! Secondly i want to mention ma big sis sarah, now this girl, i mean woman, is amazin so happy to have her! she used 2 babysit me wen i was small and apparently tease me but never held a grudge :P hehe she is a great laugh and inspiration, thank you for bein here babe love uuu xx thridly, hehe Emma Pancake!! havent know this lass 4 very long but its bin MINT! hehe, thank you 4 helpin me, u make me laugh, smile and u r one of ma very close friends who i never ever want to lose! u always know how 2 cheer me up and i thank you so much 4 that!! love u huni!! xxXXxx Fourthly hehe to my cuddly barnable bear!! this guy is amazing, hense why he is ma lil bro! this guy has held me while i've cried and always been there with me, again i havent known him long but i am never gonna lose him, barnz u r so special to me and i wanna say thnk you 4 everythin u have done 4 me and 4 bein there! love u loads 2 huni!! xxxx now we come to the 5th person, but just because he is last doesnt mean he isnt spech to me! we r now onto ma sxc bitch nick! this guy should get the award 4 the business man of the year and the dreamer of the year:P hehe he is always thinkin up great plans on what he is gonna do with his life and i hope he does them all! he has bin there 4 me and cheered me up wen i'm down, he knows wat to say and how 2 say it, his timing mayb a lil wierd sometimes but he knows how to put it right ure a great lad huni!! thank you nick, ure not gonna get ridda me hehe:P love u lots xxxxx These 5people are ALL an inspiration to me and i am so lucky to have them in ma life, they are ma rock and i love them all to pieces for it!!! thank you! Love u x x x x