Bridget profile picture


Sometimes God calls us to certain places to educate and prepare us for the place He wants us to ulim

About Me

Wow! Where do I start? First of all, I am a Christian. I am a wife, daughter, and friend. I am blessed and highly favored by a God who showers me with grace and mercy everyday of my life.What I want you to know the most "about me" is that Jesus changed my life. I grew up in church and was saved at the age of 11. It is a day I will never forget. However, as a typical young person I decided to go my own way,to pursue my desires. As one can imagine... I did a lot of things I wish I could take back. However, thats the consequences of sin. On April 9, 1998 I rededicated my life back to whom it belonged in the first place. Jesus TOTALLY changed my life from that point on. He placed such a Holy fire in me that would never fade. Yes, I have faced some very hard times and my fire was sometimes a flicker. God always saw me through. I stand amazed now at the point in which God has me in my life. He has given me such Holy boldness to proclaim who He is and to minister to others. I love Jesus with every fiber of my being. And one day... I will get to thank Him face to face. This layout was handmade with love by the folks at My space or yours? Go get one!

My Interests

Well, my main interest is developing my relationship with God and becoming more like Him. I love music and I must say that I listen to all types of music style. At the heart of the music I listen to is a message of Christ.I simply adore pumpkin spice coffee and enjoy a good political discussion. I am politically minded and sweetly conservative! There is nothing better than being able to sit back with a cup of pumpkin spice coffee and read a good book. My nose is in a book more times than not. I enjoy reading Christian fiction and nonfiction. I also favor a sweet romance book set back in the 1800's. On occasion, I find a biography interesting. I enjoy spending time to myself to reflect and over analyze everything! :-) Like most girls, I love to shop! I love Estee Lauder and Mary Kay Cosmetics. My husband and I enjoy going to the gym and working out. I also love being an aunt to three neices and two nephews. They are all so beautiful and I love them very much. -----

I'd like to meet:

I plan on meeting Jesus one day... Do you?My heart looks forward to the day when I can see my two grandfathers and my grandmother again. I dream of the moment when I can see my Nanny and give her the biggest hug. I am also looking forward to seeing my cousins: Bev, Dale, and Dustin again.


Praise and Worship, Barlow Girl, Group 1 Crew, The Crabb Family, Heart Cry, Shawn McDonald


Facing the Giants, Gone With the Wind, Upclose and Personal, Walk the Line ..


Grey's Anatomy, The Biggest Loser, Private Practice, Las Vegas, Dancing With the Stars, Friday Night Lights, October Road


Kathleen Morgan, Karen Kingsbury, Tamera Alexander, Lori Copeland, Tracey Bateman


My mother for her courage, my father for his strength,& My Pastor

My Blog

I Dont Regret

(link to the song) egret/   Finally! The first of my Barlow Girl blogs! =)..:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:off...
Posted by Bridget on Fri, 29 Feb 2008 06:03:00 PST

EVERYTHING I NEED TO KNOW I CAN LEARN FROM BARLOW GIRL   How are you doing friend?! I pray as you are reading this blog that you realize how blessed and highly favored of God you are!     I have been bouncing back and ...
Posted by Bridget on Mon, 18 Feb 2008 03:24:00 PST

The Last Revival

..> Dear Friend, I wanted to share another newsletter by David Wilkerson. I truly believe that this is a man of God who hears from Heaven. This article is about the last great revival. If you talk ...
Posted by Bridget on Mon, 11 Feb 2008 01:29:00 PST

My Thoughts In Pictures

table table table td { vertical-align: top; !important; }span.blacktext12 { visibility: visible !important; background-image: url(' l.jpg'); backg...
Posted by Bridget on Sun, 10 Feb 2008 08:06:00 PST

It is OFFICIAL..... I have a JOB

Hello friends! Back in Decemeber I informed you that I had a long term sub job. However, it was short lived and I was  back to the sub drawing board. I received a phone call today that I will be ...
Posted by Bridget on Tue, 05 Feb 2008 03:00:00 PST

Talkin to Jesus

It has been one of those days where you hear bad news and sad news. Then all of that news is piled upon previous news. (You got me?!) I just have so much on my heart, mind and spirit right now that it...
Posted by Bridget on Wed, 23 Jan 2008 08:22:00 PST

A Love Song

While the song,  "Because You Loved Me" was written for one of my favorite movies, I must admit it goes right to my heart. I was listening to this song and I realized this is a love song for my S...
Posted by Bridget on Sat, 05 Jan 2008 10:42:00 PST

Takin’ It Back 2008

I wanted to share with my friends what I sense about the year 2008. Today, I felt in my spirit that 2008 will be titled, "The year of taking it back." Oh friend, its going to be a POWERFUL time for th...
Posted by Bridget on Wed, 26 Dec 2007 03:23:00 PST

My Keeper

I went to lunch this morning with a teacher I met at one of the schools I sub at. We had a great time and she is a Christian! I thank God for putting me in the right places. Anyway, while eating break...
Posted by Bridget on Sat, 15 Dec 2007 11:03:00 PST

Are You Backslidden?

Are You Backslidden? Did you read the title and think to yourself, "Nah, that's not me. I am a Christian and I am surely not backslidden." As you read this devotional, I hope that some of you are off...
Posted by Bridget on Mon, 17 Sep 2007 03:38:00 PST