Well, my main interest is developing my relationship with God and becoming more like Him. I love music and I must say that I listen to all types of music style. At the heart of the music I listen to is a message of Christ.I simply adore pumpkin spice coffee and enjoy a good political discussion. I am politically minded and sweetly conservative!
There is nothing better than being able to sit back with a cup of pumpkin spice coffee and read a good book. My nose is in a book more times than not. I enjoy reading Christian fiction and nonfiction. I also favor a sweet romance book set back in the 1800's. On occasion, I find a biography interesting.
I enjoy spending time to myself to reflect and over analyze everything! :-)
Like most girls, I love to shop! I love Estee Lauder and Mary Kay Cosmetics. My husband and I enjoy going to the gym and working out. I also love being an aunt to three neices and two nephews. They are all so beautiful and I love them very much. -----
I plan on meeting Jesus one day... Do you?My heart looks forward to the day when I can see my two grandfathers and my grandmother again. I dream of the moment when I can see my Nanny and give her the biggest hug. I am also looking forward to seeing my cousins: Bev, Dale, and Dustin again.
Praise and Worship, Barlow Girl, Group 1 Crew, The Crabb Family, Heart Cry, Shawn McDonald
Facing the Giants, Gone With the Wind, Upclose and Personal, Walk the Line
Grey's Anatomy, The Biggest Loser, Private Practice, Las Vegas, Dancing With the Stars, Friday Night Lights, October Road
Kathleen Morgan, Karen Kingsbury, Tamera Alexander, Lori Copeland, Tracey Bateman
My mother for her courage, my father for his strength,& My Pastor